Food Stamp Enrollment Declines Under Trump, Saving Taxpayers Billions – IOTW Report

Food Stamp Enrollment Declines Under Trump, Saving Taxpayers Billions

ET: Nearly 3.9 million Americans have nixed food stamp benefits since President Donald Trump took office, saving taxpayers more than $8.5 billion.

Some 38.2 million people collected payments in November 2018, according to the last available data, down from about 42.1 million in February 2017—the first full month Trump was in office.

Food stamps—renamed to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in 2008 to “fight stigma”—provides on average about $250 per household a month for grocery shopping.

Each state has different rules for eligibility, but in general, participants have to have low income. The benefit is also restricted for childless able-bodied adults between age 18 and 49, who can usually only collect it for three months every three years unless they work or train for a job at least 20 hours a week. States can waive the work requirements in areas with high unemployment or a job shortage.  more here

5 Comments on Food Stamp Enrollment Declines Under Trump, Saving Taxpayers Billions

  1. Sorry folks but Michigans about to revise those numbers upwards. Our new genius governor, Gretchen Witmer, has decided to revisit the tax policies that were in place during our lost decade under Jennifer Granholm. Plus she wants to add a 47cent gas tax to our 17cent gas tax just enacted by the previous governor. Expect a lot of job loses as business’s close down or move away. Her plan will tax business twice, once at four and a half percent and then six percent over top of that one. This gal is a real piece of work.

  2. “Saving Taxpayers Billions”

    Yeah? I can’t find my portion …
    But if I could, I’d donate it to building the Wall.

    “Saving” is pure euphemism vis-a-vis taxes.
    (no, I still don’t speak Euro-talk, I looked it up)

    izlamo delenda est …


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