Footage Destroys Claim That Kavanaugh Disrespected a Parkland Victim’s Father – IOTW Report

Footage Destroys Claim That Kavanaugh Disrespected a Parkland Victim’s Father

CT: The confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh began in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday, and to the surprise of nobody, it turned into ridiculous circus almost immediately.

While the circus-like atmosphere was certainly expected, what was unexpected was the sudden emergence of a “controversy” surrounding the nominee. But perhaps unsurprisingly, that “controversy” was quickly shown to be entirely contrived and much ado about nothing.

The “controversy” began when the father of one of the Parkland school shooting victims — Fred Guttenberg, father of victim Jaime Guttenberg — posted on Twitter that he had attempted to shake Kavanaugh’s hand at the hearing but had been ignored.

“Just walked up to Judge Kavanaugh as morning session ended,” Guttenberg wrote. “Put out my hand to introduce myself as Jaime Guttenberg’s dad. He pulled his hand back, turned his back to me and walked away. I guess he did not want to deal with the reality of gun violence.”

Of course, many in the liberal media quickly jumped on this “controversy” as a means to further smear Kavanaugh as literally the worst person in the world, but perhaps they should have checked their facts first prior to piling on the nominee.

Some even began to post video clips of the “incident” as if it proved their case, when in reality it undermined Guttenberg’s rather misleading assertion of what had actually happened.

As can be seen in the video, Guttenberg walked up and extended his hand for a shake as Kavanaugh was busy buttoning his jacket. Before Kavanaugh could do anything else, he was hurriedly pushed off toward the exit by a member of the security team that was attempting to keep things calm in the committee room.

Alex Griswold of the Washington Free Beacon noted as much in a tweet in which he posted, “It’s very difficult to watch the video of the incident and think that this tweet was intended to be accurate.”  Watch

19 Comments on Footage Destroys Claim That Kavanaugh Disrespected a Parkland Victim’s Father

  1. “I invited @Fred_Guttenberg to sit in the audience at today’s hearing …” feinstein

    chinese spies, leaking documents because of a ‘head cold,’…
    even though the dnc says ‘for the people.’ she sure ain’t. Not American people at least.
    was this part of schumer’s plan, as discussed in his phone call? What would have followed? I’m sure they had more planned. Glad it failed.
    there is either evil or or just plain poor judgement going on there. And I’m being very polite.

  2. If you look at Kamala Harris’s tweets, it makes me think that she had a heads up on this as well.

    It was a set up from the beginning. Notice how he just rushed in at warp speed. Really, where was security on this given the nature and behavior of the spectators earlier? With all the rhetoric, this guy might need some Kevlar or secret service protection. (It would actually send a strong political message if Trump granted him protection starting tomorrow until he is seated.)

    And another thing, notice how the MSM is cheering this one, including Dick Durbin on the Committee itself and yet they whine and complain about Jim Acosta at Trump Rallies. I think Jim Acosta would be much safer in a room fully of Trump supporters than Kavanaugh would be in a room full of Lefties right now.

  3. Sundance has a post tonight about how Schumer, Harris, Durbin and the rest had a conference call — which Schumer admitted — in order to choreograph today’s detestable display, from each of the Democrat committee members to Guttenberg’s horrible role play.

    I’ve pretty much let everything the D’s and the Left have thrown at POTUS Trump and the Congressional Republicans roll off. That’s saying a lot given they have been unceasing since this time two years ago. But today something inside my head snapped. I am enraged by the display they put on today. And I’m mad as hell at Grassley that he didn’t immediately clear the room.

    They’ve finally done it. And as long as this is allowed to continue in the holy of holies of our great republic, it diminishes all Americans.

    You know, Kathryn Hepburn related a story once about when she was in a stage play — of all places this happened in Seattle — and some young guy in the front row propped his feet up on the edge of the stage. Hepburn was so incensed at the guy’s apparent disregard for the work going on, on the stage, that she stopped in the middle of her lines and told him off. I remember (if I’m remembering right) being terribly embarrassed for our city, and I wasn’t even there! I should think a Supreme Court nomination hearing would be at least as important and solemn as a bunch of actors on a stage.

  4. Attempting to become an actor in the Democrat theatrics because your daughter was murdered does not earn you respect.
    You disgraced the life and memory of your daughter, which clearly indicates to me that you are a shameless POS unworthy of any respect.

  5. Like the Russia hoax, it was all a setup so they could get a picture. Which means they were coordinating with the photographer as well.

    Clearly, the Feinsteins, Durbins and Schumers need to have their privilege of inviting guests revoked since they abuse it to disrupt the process.

    I’d say it’s only a matter of time before they psych someone up, hand someone a gun and then point them in a direction to use it for a political assassination. But that’s what Garland was.

  6. Cliche Guevara — Wow! That really is something to think about. Your last sentence.

    After today, I need no further convincing that EVERYTHING these dirt bags do is a choreographed hoax. Everything. Gateway Pundit has a story up today about a group of doctors (from Texas?) who were told to arrive around 8:00-8:30 a. if they wanted to get a seat at the hearings yesterday. They said they arrived at 8:15 to a line that was already about 100 people long. They noticed, as they waited, that someone (possibly more than one person) showed up with “bags of money” and walked along the line ahead of them taking “white notes of paper” from those individuals and handing over cash in exchange. They are certain these were paid protestors who later disrupted the hearing. I hope they get to the bottom of this, because Tom Fitton believes — as I do — that these types of “protests” aren’t protests at all, but paid disruptions, and they are illegal.

    And, looking back at the oblowme years, it makes me wonder if atrocities like the Benghazi attack were merely distractions for something else happening.

  7. AA: I’m beyond seeing accidents and coincidence at this point. In the absence of a true grassroots or events happening, the Dems and media are “making their own luck”.

    Not saying they are behind school shootings or anything but their apparatchiks in the alphabet soup agencies are up to no good on every front because they are infiltrated with leftwing “nonpartisan, career” bureaucrats.

  8. I’ve been told since I was old enough to know we had a Senate, that the Senate was the place for quiet contemplation. That the Senate was where the panic and turmoil and arguments ended so that careful deliberations could be done “for the country”. Usually it was demoncrats who were reminding their knuckle dragging opponents whenever they stopped a bill that the entire country wanted them to pass.

    And then the demoncrats blew up the rules when it suited them.

    Now they are crying and throwing temper tantrums because the Republicans are just big meanies.

    Since they brought this on themselves, I have no sympathies and we as a country need to get as much done as we can before the Anti-American demoncrats get any power.

    MSG Grumpy

  9. But again, the more I hear from “Parkland Survivors”, the more I sympathize with the shooter.

    What a bunch of preening, arrogant, self-righteous, self-important virtue signalers.

    Human herpes popping up everywhere except to stop their clones from bullying underprivileged kids at school.


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