Football Coach Sucker Punches Ref – Most Likely a Knee Taker – IOTW Report

Football Coach Sucker Punches Ref – Most Likely a Knee Taker

This is despicable. Sucker punching (half slapping, actually) a defenseless ref.

Instead of a football game, maybe this coach should stick to something more up his alley, like the knockout game.

This happened 5 years ago, and the puncher was a convicted felon.

When I was in youth sports programs the coaches were mentors. I guess this is a proper mentor for these doomed kids.

ht/ petrus

16 Comments on Football Coach Sucker Punches Ref – Most Likely a Knee Taker

  1. Man I don’t miss kids sports. I’ve seen parent attack coaches, coaches attack refs, and watched some manager of the soccer league attack some old cripple grandpa. It’s ridiculous.
    I do miss when my youngest wrestled. Nobody attacks a wrestling coach.

  2. @Bad_Brad

    Very Active with my 12 yr. old grandson’s Karate class.
    Very respectful and disciplined.
    He earned his brown belt about 4 months ago.
    No one challenges the Sensei ( 8th Degree Black Belt) …..not students, parents, opposing senseis, no one.

  3. The ancient Greeks pioneered sports as the way to compete ideally, with honor and dignity for all those competing. Apparently that purpose is lost.

    Soon they’ll be poisoning the halftime orange slices.

  4. cato

    The combative sport weed out little non athletic Johny and his non athletic parents who are living vicariously through his non achievements. Give Johny and his parents a participation trophy and send them onto their next adventure. Obviously not the case in the video above however.


    👊 I SAW a family member get roughed up in a basketball game, and the stupid ref called HIM for the foul! Yeah, I gave him the business, but I certainly wanted to punch that dumb ref in the back of the head a good one.
    👊 I REF’D games, and obnoxious coaches were thrown out, obnoxious parents were thrown out, and obnoxious BRATS were thrown out. I had to cancel and forfeit games, call the police and watch my back getting to the parking lot.
    As much as someone enjoys kids, sports, families, communities, trying to provide opportunities for FAIR and JUST games everyone can enjoy, it’s a thankless job. Screw all those people, I went and did something else with my weekends and nights. I stayed home and enjoyed myself. I didn’t have to listen to:
    ◾ “Wrong call asshat!”
    ◾ “Hey! That was holding!” (it’s holding every play dummy)
    ◾ “Let them play! Stop calling everything!”
    ◾ “Hey! Why aren’t you calling anything!?”
    ◾ “What are you looking at out there, are you blind!”
    ◾ One 5th Grader (9 year old) came up right in my face and said to me, “You fucking suck at this!”
    Man, I was milliseconds away from slapping his mouth clean off of his fucking face after the stressful bullshit they put me through. Wow, that would have been an unfortunate CHILD ENDANGERMENT FELONY and probably broken bones, missing teeth, broken nose, eye-socket / eardrum rupture. You don’t know how hard you slap / punch when you are stressed and furious. Good thing we never found out.
    👊 Go Fuck off all of you! Go ref it yourself sometime, and see how easy and “fun” it is. It’s confusing as hell even if you know the game.
    🔴 “Hmmm, so, there are multiple fouls, but is it enforced at the spot of the foul or line of scrimmage if they are unequal yardage penalties? Is it down over then or the next down?”
    👊 All of you crazies can go shit up a tree(™), I’ll never coach or ref a game again in my life even though I’m always asked. It’s not fucking worth it. It’s better to walk away with your freedom than to strike back at some asshole and lose it.

  6. A good friend of mine has refereed OVAC HS football for decades. Some of his abuse stories are frightening. I asked how he gets control of the worst offenders. He tells them “One more word out of you, and this game is called because of your actions, and the other team wins.”

    In the subject case, I am sure that approach would not work.

  7. @Half-Assed Patriot,
    I hear you. Sorry you’ve been thru the sausage-maker. I have been there done that. Coaching, refereeing and as parent. And playing, many diff. sports for over 55yrs.

    Losers are just that. No need to look at the scoreboard. Dropped on their head at birth? Momma liked their siblings more? Can’t tell you.

    I posted at 2:55. I’ve enjoyed the thrill of victory, the pain of defeat, and the pure ecstatic (almost heavenly) JOY of competing with worthy competitors, destroying each other, and at the end, breathless, exhausted, shook hands, sweaty hug and heartfelt exchange “damn good game”!!

    Kids should learn that. Despite parents that God should have never entrusted with children.

    Take five and if/when you’re ready again, seek kids that deserve to play sports the right way. If you pop an adult that need it, hopefully someone like me will be there to back you up.

  8. I head butted a Player while Umping Co-rec Softball…He struck

    out, and I rung Him up Pro Ball style (cuz He’s an asshole) and

    He came running at Me bat still in hand ..and I caught Him

    under the right eye…( I was going for the nose) He got

    kicked out of the League for 6 weeks…and nobody argued My

    calls for the rest of the Season 😉


    I had a parent who stood on the sidelines and told her kid to break the rules. Fed up, I told her and her kid to not come back to the TRAINING (not games) for the remainder of the schedule. Guess who shows up next week with her kid and husband (back up)? Yep, that smart-mouthed bitch, her brat kid, and her swaggering husband.
    I told them to ALL hit the parking lot or the police will throw you out. Well, the police showed up and made every excuse in the book why they should stay until I told him what THE LAW STATES ON PRIVATE PROPERTY(you dumbshit cop!), then he finally told them to leave. –of course they made as many phone calls as possible to see if they could retaliate, and I heard about how it’s not nice to call the fuzz on “our community members.” –fuck you!

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