Football Coach Throws Haymaker At Little Kid – IOTW Report

Football Coach Throws Haymaker At Little Kid

I guess he never took the whole concussion thing too seriously, huh?

I can’t stand coaches who think it’s all about them. Apparently this little kid had gotten in the way of HIS glory.

Dumbass lost, deservedly so, pretty much everything.

31 Comments on Football Coach Throws Haymaker At Little Kid

  1. 5 other grown men on the field and no one so much as blew a whistle!
    They’re all pieces of shit. The asshole went back for 2nds and 3rds and the coachlets just stood there. Assholes. All of them.

  2. also worked as a detention center counselor,

    You’d think he would know kids get detentions for hitting other kids, what makes him think he would get a pass?

    Perhaps his black privilege got in the way of rational thought.

    The mother lets him off? FFS. I would have knee capped the sonofabitch on the spot.

    Where do you think the kid’s father is? 3 guesses and the first 2 don’t count.

  3. Every adult staff member should. be fired, then locked up for addrivated assault on a child.
    Lets see how well you do in priso where you are smaked around u’nti
    l you are some bigger guys bitch.

  4. Agree with Extirpates, every adult staff member on that side of the field should be fired. Were the refs around? If they witnessed it and did nothing, they should be fired, too.

    Unbelievable that in a 46-second clip, not one parent or adult got in that guy’s face.

  5. Such a shit sport. I was really tight with a guy that played in the NFL for 7 yrs, knew him since we were 6yrs old. Took a while for all of us guys that gre up with him to realize what a jerk-off he and most of the players are. The rest of us became NYPD cops, FDNY firemen, and iron workers or steam fitters Total pill popper, ratted a few of us out when we had a lil “donnybrook” in Long Beach on long island with probabaly one of the bigger pieces of shit tht played, Jim “jumbo” Elliot whom I hope dies in a car fire. We, being two friends and myself, two cops and a correction officer got a subpoena and had to go to grand jury to testify, almost cost all three of us our jobs while we did not throw a single punch. Look up the story if you want, search Jumbo Elliot long beach fight, it was around the year 2000, possibly 1999. I will admit some, not all, in bad judgement for hanging out with that “friend” dripped him like a bad habit

  6. Also, I believe the wall street journal had a dude watch some football games with a stop watch, start it at the snap of the ball and stop it when the ref blows the whistle, guess how much time of actual gameplay there is in an avg game…11 minutes, so people actually sit there for 4 hrs for one game of 11 mins of gameplay. He doid the same thing for baseball, start of the wind-up til the umpire calls the play dead…14 mins of actual gameplay, more action than footbal hahahah Forget the NBA, besides all of their social bullshit, those f@&*ts only play 48 minutes. Before the NHL showed extreme cowardice I loved it, full 60 mins, stopped time. If it went longer that only meant there were some boys settling up their differences like men, the game Policed itslef anf d there is no out of bounds, you have to answer for your actions at some point

  7. Sadly, this is an example of typical day in the “hood” where child abuse is rampant.
    The coach is an evil, malignant criminal thug. Everyone in his “community” considers the sadistic abuse of children normal behavior. That’s why no one stopped him, because most of the imbeciles involved – including the parents, are mentality ill deviants.
    However, there is no excuse for the coach’s evil behavior – he knows what he’s doing is wrong, yet the sick bastard gets his jollies beating up innocent children.
    There’s a special place in Hell for child abusers. Even Bejing LeBron James hates this guy.

  8. “I’m not going to make no excuses for what I did,” Williams said in a video posted to his Facebook, per WJCL. “I was wrong. … There is no excuse for my actions. He forgives me and his parents have forgiven me, so nobody else should be bashing me.”

    Definitely a liberal. Totally unclear about the concept of consequences to actions, forgiveness or no.

  9. Do you think the FBI will investigate this?
    I dunno, the video is kinda dim and there’s no evidence of obvious child abuse. At least not enough to bring charges against the Batterer.

    Doesn’t FL know that black lives matter? Not even the little ones?

  10. If that coach was white everyone would be seeing this! I don’t give a shit about color, but if that were my kid and I was in the stands that coach would be in the emergency room or the morgue.

  11. Here is some follow up in case anyone is interested (I’m all”electioned” out, sorry)

    The victim was not the son of the coach. The mom said later that she did not want to press charges, I’m am inferring from this that 1) she was not at the game herself to witness the assault, and 2) that she is a single mom with no dad in the picture.

    The local sheriff’s dept, which has jurisdiction, will be filling “Child Abuse” charges against the coach, whether felony or misd., I don’t know, hopefully felony.

    None of the officials witnessed either of the two punches, but several parents did and the opposing coach, but nobody intervened at the time in the kid’s behalf. The opposing coach had his brother video taping the game, this tape provided the evidence for the charges.

    The poor kid fumbled the ball which caused a turnover, this was the impetus for the 2 punches.

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