Football fans save cat from almost certain death by catching it in the American flag – IOTW Report

Football fans save cat from almost certain death by catching it in the American flag

22 Comments on Football fans save cat from almost certain death by catching it in the American flag

  1. @ LocoBlancoSaltine – “…It really was raining cats!…”

    And what about the dogs? It doesn’t rain just cats. The dogs are an integral part of rain. Who’s ever heard of, “It’s raining cats”?

    You are guilty of phrase appropriation. I think an apology to dogs is in order.

  2. I wonder if it would still be true if that cat would’ve landed on its feet from taking such a great fall and walking away unscathed. We’ll never know, nice catch. And how in the heck did a cat get so high up in a stadium like that? How many of its 9 lives did that cat lose in that fall?

  3. Wow. All those people interfering with the cat’s landing! It would have been just fine without help.

    Reminds me of the guy who went flying and found his door wasn’t completely shut. When he pushed out to slam it shut the family cat (had sneaked in) jumped out. Astonished and with great sorrow he came back and landed only to find the cat calmly licking itself near the runway. When he told the story to a couple of his buddies they denied it was true so he demonstrated to them with a stray. The cat sailed over their heads, landed, and went running off into the woods. Bets went crazy and there was a sizeable crowd gathered for the second stray cat demonstration where the cat fell to it’s death. The pilot decided to fashion a cat parachute but the cat tried to climb the parachute risers, the chute collapsed and he died. Moral of the story is the cat is better off without help.


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