Footloose – IOTW Report


Fancy free.

ht/ illustr8r

But then there’s the Ross sisters-

16 Comments on Footloose

  1. Great Footloose mashup.
    Those entertainers had actual talent.
    Not like the majority of today’s with the computer fixes on voice and pornographic gyrating.

    I used to be able to do walkovers all the way across the yard and jump off a fellow cheerleader’s shoulders into a split.
    Not like those limber sisters though!!!

  2. I’m a white guy and I can’t dance worth beans but I’m OK with that. I don’t have any rhythm and could barely march in boot camp because I was always off a half step and got yelled at a lot for that but that didn’t stop me after boot camp. I’ve always marched and danced to a different drummer which is why I am a conservative and don’t go along with the so-called idiot in crowd cool kids.

  3. XXX
    APRIL 22, 2022 AT 10:42 AM
    “SNS Ann Margaret is still alive so not all have died.BTW she was some kinda sexy.”

    …thank you, I stand corrected for now, but probably not for much longer. Time is relentless.

    And agreed about Ann Margaret.

    But it’s a tragedy of Time as well that you had to qualify it with “was”…


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