For Grace – IOTW Report

For Grace

It began with Obamacare and ended in murder.

Please keep an eye on your family members and speak up.

18 Comments on For Grace

  1. I have a Down syndrome daughter. She’s snoring on the couch as I write this…as I watched this. Fauci and his psychopathic acolytes are responsible for this. Under Covid-19 protocols, DNR orders were mandatory for those considered of lesser value. Eugenicists felt enabled to rid society of its burdens. The sense of dire emergency and limited resources, sometimes real, sometimes not, caused normally good people to just go along, and not so good people to commit acts of callous barbarity.

    I hope Grace’s family eviscerates, symbolically (for legal reasons), everyone responsible for her torture and death.

  2. Don’t go to the fucking hospital!!! I don’t care if you have a limb dangling… FUCK ‘EM!

  3. I’ve lost faith in the medical trades. How can doctors still say the suicide jab is safe and effective against overwhelming evidence to the contrary? Gotta admit, I don’t mind reading about young, physically fit, pro jab doctors who drop dead after advocating for the suicide jab. Effem. No more routine checkups. I’d rather take my chances than risk having to argue with an indoctrinated Covidiot. We only know of one Doctor who openly opposes the government and the Covid Industrial Complex. Wait lines to see him are longer than wait lines in countries where health care is free.

  4. God, I hope they win and win big.
    It won’t bring back Grace but it will open the door to a flood of lawsuits, including one from my brother and me.

  5. There’s been some payouts for injuries suffered, but not in this country. This was nothing more than legalized genocide. No one will be held responsible – nope look at Fauci and how he’;s being rewarded. He needs a bodyguard, but, he’s still breathing. Covid did eliminate a lot of people on disability, SS, Medicare, people on the system. Isaiah 3:11 says, โ€œWoe unto the wicked! It shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him.โ€ I believe this, bide your time. Proud to be a pureblood, too bad my so-called friends didn’t listen to me. I accept that they exercised their free will.

  6. Once again Iโ€™m back on the physical therapy hamster wheel after being in a hit and run crash Monday with my shoulder, neck and back all jacked up. So our Urgent Care isnโ€™t quite so urgent anymore, you can wait and maybe we can get to you in four hours, or we can make an appointment for you six hours from now. It used to be in and out in under an hour. It moves with the urgency of a sloth now.

    My GP can get me in in late August at the earliest. That needle happy SOB, all heโ€™s interested in is shooting me up with anything he has that is salted with the Covid shit. But I need a referral to the ortho and he will refer me to PT. My left shoulder is about an inch higher than my right and I have about 15 degrees of neck rotation. After having my arm broken in a car crash last October and then falling on ice in December and ending up with my shoulder, neck and back in the same shape itโ€™s once again inโ€ฆ I know the drill. Just getting through all of the hurdles so that I can get started with the PT is a fucking full time job.

    I have completely lost faith in the medical profession, but still can rely on a few practitioners, thank God. There are so many inefficiencies built into the system any longer because their core deliverables have shifted from treating patients to implementing and reporting mandatory government meddling.

  7. JDHasty, I wish you well and have a speedy recovery. My right foot which I injured last year is finally starting to heal properly after my podiatrist put me on some very strong antibiotics every 6 hrs., 4 times a day and it is looking and feeling better than it has in a long time. Maybe one of these days soon I can stop wearing the Frankenboot to keep the pressure off the bottom of my foot and get back to normal as soon as possible. My visiting nurse will be over again this morning to check my progress and my vitals and to change the bandages on my foot. I saw the nurse on Wednesday, and she said that it’s finally starting to heal properly, thank God. I want to get back to normal ASAP and not have my foot constantly elevated reading a lot of books and watching too many old TV westerns and older TV shows and TCM all the time.

  8. This Apollo guy is a terrible presenter. He acts bored and disconnected. Christians need to provide quality programming, first priority. This is what Passion of the Christ, Chosen and Sound of Freedom did and this guy did not.

    I’ll down vote myself,

  9. Well sports fans not sure how I’ll word this one.

    Look for the Nurse Practitioner or MD that has his/her own practice.

    The other side of the coin

    Believe it or not there are some in medicine still out there that are good and disgusted by what’s become of their field of endeavor.

    While my daughter was doing clinicals to become a nurse practitioner she hooked up with one (FNP BC) that I transferred to. Dropped my GP or PCP or whatever you want to call him as he had been gobbled up into a MAJOR MEDICAL CONGLAMORATE. No longer able to “practice” medicine, but dictated to on how and what was expected of him.

    After the daughter completes the two years “under supervision” she’ll be opening her own practice or perhaps partnering with the one she did the clinicals with. A number of inquiries on trying to recruit her, but no decision yet.

    I qualify as just as disgusted and pissed off as anyone! Lost friends and relatives to this bullshit and wife going down to South Florida (Tuesday) to try and organize getting her brother moved back to Shitcagoland Area. His partner was one of those lost to the jab. The resultant cancer that was not treated timely or appropriately was a lesson in how to kill your patient and make money doing it. Both my kids (in medicine) watched this from a distance and tried what little they could do from afar.

    Also thinking they the “Medical Group” doesn’t give you decision making ability or judgement as one month it’s XYZ Group then ABC, etc. They change brands like we change underwear. Couldn’t watch the videos. As soon as it identified “Ascension” had to look away. There’s an example right there (below) in that locally it became part of the musical chairs of Amita Health and I believe back to Alexian because of the negative reputation of Amita (at least here locally). Again, they spend more money on signage as they morph into new conglomerates or names than one can keep up with. โ€œ AMITA Health was an interfaith health system, a joint venture between Alexian Brothers Health System and Presence Health and Adventist Midwest Health. As of 2021 โ€ Maybe the WI end of things hasnโ€™t joined the musical chair game.

    How do you keep track? Had over a dozen surgeries before I stopped counting and am a candidate for more as I type this. Currently eating the Norco and refusing to let the cutters have at me again. (Northwestern or Rush in the city if it comes down to it.) And you best believe my daughter will be front and center with things as my advocate.

    Want to guess what outfit my daughter currently works for in a Special Needs Pediatric practice?

    Bad enough having the friends and relatives affected by this, but add in the occasional story without breaking HIPPA from someone involved.

  10. ACParker AT 2:31 AM

    May the Lord bless and guide her and you, and comfort you through all the trials and travails and return the love you have for each other sevenfold now, and when He in His time calls you both home to be with Him.

    In the merciful name of Jesus I pray, amen.

    …I have a child, now an adult, with a birth defect as well, so I know how difficult that can be to deal with and to be unsure how others will respond to it, so my heart goes out to you with that. I also have members of my extended family, many of which are in no way genetically linked to me and others not linked to my wife who have also had issues with varous problems ranging from sensory issues to cleft baby (as in my case) to Prader-Willi and also with diagnosed Down’s.

    Funny thing is, I don’t remember knowing -any- people with these issues when I was growing up (being a cruel little kid I would have noticed), and NOW they seem quite common, and I don’t know ANY family not touched by them in generations FOLLOWING mine.

    I could speculate, but that’s all it would be.

    But the worth of a person is in their kinship to the Lord and the fact that He gave them life and does NOT rest on how they look or what they do or what their capacity for anything is. There is no king and no beggar that is worth any more or less than you and I, we are all equal in the sight of the Lord and to disrespect His creations is to disrepect He Himself. We may not know or understand why these things happen, but we do need to use them to draw closer to Him and to each other, as we will only have to live with them for a breif time HERE, but for all eternity after we too are required to lay our trophies down and go to be with Him and recieve such reward as He deems we deserve.

    How we treat the least of us can be a consideration in this.

    “It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.”
    Luke 17:2

    Notice it doesn’t say anything about the little one’s physical or mental status. He is no respecter of persons in this or any regard, we all have our souls as a gift from Him and that is His only concern.

    “1 Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.

    2 But we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things.

    3 And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?

    4 Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?

    5 But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God;

    6 Who will render to every man according to his deeds:

    7 To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life:

    8 But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath,

    9 Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile;

    10 But glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile:

    11 For there is no respect of persons with God.”
    Romans 2:1-11

    …but of those folks I know with these disabilities and handicaps, they can and have been a joy to all those who know them, hard workers, determined, and diligent; and if they need to concentrate more to get through a day than most people do, in many cases that just improves their focus and their devotion to completing a task, as well as their satisfaction when it is done.

    But the worst is having to trust doctors with some issues.

    Two of the other abled children I know directly have had to have surgeries on their throats and some craniofacial issues. My own child had THREE surgeries to correct a cleft before his first birthday, and has had to have them even over 20 years later as growth stops and final forms emerge. It’s a decades long haul and a lifetime of suffering and knowing one is not the same as most people, something the crueler of “most people” will take every opportunity to remind them, but those I’ve seen from child to adult have never stoped being a joy in all that time. Yes they get angry and frustrated and don’t always have the filters most people have in speech and action, but when every day is an exercise in overcoming for a person our focus should be on how amazing their victories are, not on those insigificant setbacks.

    But doctors now have become quite untrustworthy. Perhaps its the way they were trained, perhaps its that the schools have sacrified ethics to political correctness, perhaps its that they must toe the Goverment line to get Leviathan’s groat, or it may be fear that to do other than the Goverment says will result in Goverment punishments including losing their Government license. It may be that the choices are worse, that the underlying education no longer prepares them for ethical issues, maybe it’s that the system is so skewed by box-checking that we don’t get people who are well suited to serve their fellow man.

    Whatever it is, the stethescope is pretty tarnished these days, and only the snakes of the caduceus remain.

    I myself avoid doctors every chance I get. I avoid forever drugs to increase dependency on them and probably don’t get tests I should have because I can’t trust them to not ruin my life and destroy my livilihood in the name of personal enrichment or fear of Government. I will likely die of what once was a treatable illness as a result, but better to die at the Lord’s discretion than be murdered by someone with a white coat and an agenda. I had not the jab, but have had to try to rescue those much younger than me who have, and it ain’t pretty.

    Had I submitted, that body on the floor could well have been mine.

    …but my own are thrall to medicine. My MIL, a diabetic, takes dozens of pills. My wife continues her treatment for cancer. My child has allergies and other issues that have resulted in forever drugs at a young age. It is not possible to step away entirely, no matter the trust level, and I still call ambulances for downed co-workers and family members to be taken to hospitals as there is simply no other real recourse.

    But in such cases, all I can do is pray.

    …but mark well, that reckoning isn’t always possble for them to avoid. Were this young woman murdered by medicine my child, well, the doctor’s parking lot isn’t hard to find, and they have to leave sometime, just saying.

    But better to trust the Lord as the Ultimate Physician. Even the devil does His bidding whether he knows it or not, so it is not impossible that what we have that passes for medical professionals these days can have their hands guided to healing by Him whether they would or no.

    We can only pray.

    May God help you, ACParker, your daughter, and all who suffer here, and may we be assured that His Justice will find those who betray the gifts He gave them in His good time, and reward them in measure of the good or evil they do.

    But take pleasure in those He has given in trust and love each other as He surely intends.

    No evil can come between we and our loved ones unless we let it, and no devil can separate us from the light of the Lord unless we allow it.

    “38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,

    39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord”
    Romans 8:38-39

    God Bless,’

  11. JDHasty-

    while you wait, you might benefit from a massage therapist that specializes in myofascia release. It’s not chiropractic manipulation, it’s working with your muscles and getting them to release from spasms after a traumatic injury. I was injured at work 10 years ago and all they would do for me was naproxen. Couldn’t turn my head, could barely lie down let alone get any sleep. The relief was so profound I cried harder than when I was in pain.

    Just an idea for your consideration.

  12. Just a note on DNR’s;

    In my day DNRs were in their nonage. There wasn’t really a fixed format, they could be written on anything from bar napkins to legal letterhead stationary, had signatures it was impossible to verify in the field (certainly not in the few minutes between life and death in a nonbreather), sometimes a number to call to speak to God knows who, and were generally new legal ground for ambulance services, at least in my little patch
    They were usually presented by a person who may or may not be a friend or relative, again impossible to verify in the field, and you had no idea not only who this person was but what their motivation may be, or even if they wanted you to finish a murder they started.

    Nacent rumblings of ‘wrongful life’ lawsuits aside, our service, our oath, our ethos was in the support of life, and our training was to ALWAYS error on the side of life.

    Usually the only way a DNR was acceptable was if there had been some prior contact with the department and some validation took place beforehand. Remember that hospice wasn’t really a ‘thing’ then either, doctors of the era preferring to help their patients live. A physician most likey would have offered you a mental health referral if you asked him for assisted suicide. Even then, it was an EMERGENCY service. If you wanted to die or wanted a loved one to die, WHY IN THE HELL DID YOU CALL AN AMBULANCE? At LEAST let them uuquestionably cool before you do, to put it beyond doubt, gnome sane?

    …anyway, modernly, I respect a persons agency in their OWN affairs, INCLUDING if they want to not be recusitated.

    As long as its THEIR verified, uncocerced, undrugged, choice, and remains revocable BY THEM up to the point they can no longer communicate ANYTHING.

    I respect autonomy, whether I agree with the motivations and beliefs or not. Die as you see fit.

    …but if its not clear and I am put in the position of making another literal life and death decision with time ticking and hope expiring, I would do what Ive always done, what I trained to do, what I once swore to do before God and Country, which was – and IS – error on the side of life.

    I can explain a living person others wanted to die, to a court or to my Lord,

    I can NOT explain a dead person who wanted to live when it was within my ability to assist them to either.

    I do not understand what happened to doctors and medicine, but I DO know one thing that never changes is that humans SUCK.

    And as such, no doctor should be allowed to take it upon himself to be the arbiter of whether a life is worthy or not. They can test, analyze, consult, and offer options, but at the end of the day, no man should be trusted to decide the ultimate fate of someone who they neither know or love. That authority must rest with a patient or an intimate and verified family member.

    Allowing the doctor to decide on his own, even to the point that his wishes override the patients and the family’s, is an open invitation to arbitrary euthinasia.

    God bless this man for fighting this fight,

    His actions may save a lot more than his daughter’s memory.

  13. Side note: didn’t the Menendez Brother’s lawyer argue that, having murdered their parents, they should be released because they are orphans?

    …the argument that the death of Grace moots the lawsuit about the evil deeds in the death of Grace strikes me a lot like that.

    Didn’t fly then,

    Doesn’t fly now.

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