For no reason at all, here’s a list of dinosaurs from A – Z – IOTW Report

For no reason at all, here’s a list of dinosaurs from A – Z

Thought Co.:

Dinosaurs once ruled Earth and we’re continually learning more about them. You might know of the T. Rex and the Triceratops, but have you heard of the duck-billed Edmontosaurus or the peacock-like Nomingia?

From raptors to tyrannosaurs and sauropods to ornithopods, this list includes every dinosaur that has ever lived. It spans the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods and includes interesting facts about each dinosaur. You’ll find it to be hours of fun and there’s a new dinosaur waiting for you to discover. LIST

11 Comments on For no reason at all, here’s a list of dinosaurs from A – Z

  1. The first time I met my boyfriend’s grandmother she was 103 yrs. When I called her Mrs. Rex, she said, “I prefer to be called gramma-saurus Rex”. Loved that woman!!

  2. Mr. Unbleached Starfish would like the idea that there was a Faggosaur, but not the rest of it’s history. It was a pink and purple color, small and weak. It’s been established by teeth marks on the Faggosaur’s fossils that T-Rex’s attacked them viciously and probably bit them to death. The Faggosaur only lasted one generation and biologists have never figured out it’s ancestors. It’s classed as an “unnatural anomaly”.


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