For Portland BLM Rioters, Biden Isn’t Enough. They Want ‘Death To America’ – IOTW Report

For Portland BLM Rioters, Biden Isn’t Enough. They Want ‘Death To America’


Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden promised unity in a speech Saturday night following the corporate media’s projections that he would win the presidential election.

“With the campaign over, it’s time to put the anger and the harsh rhetoric behind us and come together as a nation,” Biden said. “It’s time for Americans to unite. And to heal.”

While the former vice president mounted the stage on the East Coast to declare his victory and pledge to “work as hard for those who didn’t vote for me as those who did,” that same night, rioters on the opposite coast were parading around Portland, Oregon destroying things to demonstrate their opposition to his leadership.

Earlier in the week, including on Election Night, Portland descended back into its all-too-familiar anarchical state seen over the summer. Rioters burned an American flag, threw Molotov cocktails and glass bottles, vandalized local businesses, and continued to raise a commotion as they had done following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. read more

22 Comments on For Portland BLM Rioters, Biden Isn’t Enough. They Want ‘Death To America’

  1. One day, these idiots will get their wish and America will die. Only then, will these fucking morons grasp what they lost. None of them is smart enough to gain real power. So, whoever takes over is gonna kill them all.

  2. How does a nation “heal” from a stolen election?

    By installing the real winner in office and making perpetrator’s heads roll.

    This either gets done nationwide by law enforcement, or, by law enforcement surrogates: us.

  3. I truly do enjoy stories about self inflicted misery.

    It just seems mildly amusing to me to see people burn their own town down. Everyday these people wake up pissed off and angry about something. Every single day they live in confusion, angst, and self loathing.

    Man, that’s fuggin’ hilarious.

  4. @ Extir … I saw a new nickname ‘JoDoz’ and It fits him perfectly now and will be even more apropos when at home getting harangued by the Pissed-Off First Lady-Elect(Not) Jillted Biden!

  5. If Biden gets to be President (perish the thought) and he sics Federal Marshalls on the rioters, you won’t hear too many complaints from the miserable MSM.

    The MSM will change the rioters from “peaceful protesters” to “violent Marxists” in a second.

  6. Having been given a green light to riot, loot and burn in Demorat run cities with never a harsh word from fraud-elect Biden, BLM/Antifa are expecting to do the same in deplorable neighborhoods with the backing of Biden and Commiela. Chiquita Khrushchev’s enemies lists are evidence of this.

  7. They still don’t realize it’s the police and the laws that are protecting them from the citizens squashing them like the stink bugs they are.

    I used to ask what a domestic enemy to the Constitution was and looked like. I certainly know now.

    P.S. This just in: All above commenters have won their presidential races. Acknowledge it or not. Your choice.

  8. The two most dangerous enemies:
    1 Someone fighting for his life (or liberty).
    2 Someone who is sick and tired of your stupid opinions.

    I’m both. Go ahead and fuck with me, losers.


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