For Sale – IOTW Report

For Sale

17 Comments on For Sale

  1. Damnit Fur!!!
    I just wrote this in a post a minute ago, this thread is far more applicable:

    The rat bastard keeps trying to ruin the Corvette for eternity.
    We can’t let him.
    I have too many fond memories for that cunt to desecrate.
    Dickheaded sack of shit can’t drive a manual unless it’s a strap-on…

  2. Duty free? I’m not sure about consumer taxes on china’s EVs, but the US imposes a 27.5% tariff on china EVs. That’s driving china EV manufacturing to take place here in the US (Volvo and Polestar). Awards from the retarded inflation reduction act for EV battery production have been rescinded from companies that have ties to China, including a plant scheduled, now canceled, in Tennessee and Ford’s ties to licensing tech to China.

  3. “Every decision Biden makes benefits our enemies and competitors.”
    That’s because he’s a treasonous, greedy, malevolent piece of shit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Of course Joe’s not mentally capable of being smart enough to concoct the plan to destroy the country on his own but, whoever is really running things have done a jam up job of negatively affecting every aspect of our lives; freedom, economy, jobs, energy, foreign relations, taxes and on and on. Probably the worst thing is that they’ve managed to destroy any trust we ever had in the government, business and the medical field. And remember, it doesn’t have to be this way. It’s all intentional.

  5. I will always have Ocean City in 1970 and the car weekend there with my older college age “big brother” – even Joe can’t ruin that memory – wait a minute yes he can…

  6. You say Biden. You mean 0bama. You say 0bama. You mean the communist international. You say the communist international. You mean the largest accumulations of material wealth in families and corporations. At that point you are done saying.

    There is no political escape from this evil, it transcends all politics.


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