For the Readers – A Picture of Admin Girl – IOTW Report

For the Readers – A Picture of Admin Girl

I’ve received so many requests, both in emails and in the comments, asking us to put a face to the name Admin Girl. (For newer readers, Admin Girl was our den mother and leader and administrator at iOwnTheWorld, the site that predated this one. She passed away after a long illness earlier this week.)

Her daughter has heard your requests and has graciously sent us a picture that we can publish.

All these years later, and under sorrowful circumstances, say hello to your friend Admin Girl-


71 Comments on For the Readers – A Picture of Admin Girl

  1. We thought it would bring some closure to everyone if you had a face to go with the famous icon eye.

    To her daughter directly: Thank you for this. Your mom was so proud of you and spoke of you often in emails
    and phone conversations. Hope the outpouring of love here gives you some comfort.

  2. I saved some email exchanges from Admin Girl. I forgot that I saved them and found them last night. I had shared with her the news my son had qualified to compete in the 2010 World Equestrian Games. She very graciously (and maybe with a little pride in one of her reader’s kid!) posted a congrats to my son in the daily banner. How sweet! She was also very proud of her daughter; we talked a little about the task of searching for colleges for our kids. I wish I could have met her. I feel a void, even having never met her; I can’t imagine the dreadful sorrow people who knew and loved must feel.

  3. I’m a noob around here so I never knew her. But you’ve done a lovely tribute to her.

    I also think that BFH didn’t mind so much when the den mother whacked him on the back of the hand with her ruler.

  4. To Admin Girl’s girl,

    Thank you for allowing us a peek at your beautiful mother. 🌹 We share your loss and pray that you find comfort. Regretfully, I am an IOTW newb and am only now learning what I have missed. Thanks to this amazing tribute, she is still touching lives and pointing the way. I lost my mom in May and take it from me (a random, nice gal on the internet;)… gratitude washes away sadness. I’m grateful to be a witness to this outpouring of love and respect your mother clearly earned from this community. ((((group hug))))


  5. A beautiful face to go with a beautiful voice to go with a beautiful lady. Thank you “rosietheorangecat” for graciously sharing a photo of your lovely mom. You will miss her forever, but with time, the pain scars over a little and you’ll remember all the good things and be able to smile again. I have prayed for you and your family that God gives you peace.

  6. It’s nice to put a face to the emails.

    @conservative cowgirl, you reminded me of an email exchange I had with Admin Girl. She knew that I scored student essays and her daughter, I assume it was “rosie”, was facing a big test. She asked if I had any tips for her. I typed up a big, long list of things and emailed it to her. I was thrilled to be able to give back some of the kindness she showed me.

    God bless you Admin Girl; you deserve your rest!

    And God bless you, “rosie”!

  7. What a beautiful woman. Thanks for posting Fur, and a very special thanks to Admin Girl’s daughter for allowing us to see what her mom looked like. Gorgeous, inside and out.

  8. Thanks for sharing. When someone so lovely and intelligent is taken from us yet complete wastes of space are allowed to live on, it can make you wonder just what the Master plan really is. Appreciate and cherish your friends and family while you can for “The bird of time has but little ways to fly and lo the bird is on the wing.”

  9. Hi, Rosie. I have some ability as a song parodist. Here’s a silly little tribute I penned for your mother a long time ago. To the melody of Uptown Girl

    Admin Girl
    I’ve been posting at her surreal “World”
    I’ll bet she never knew a Zonie* guy
    I bet the Fur hat never told her why

    I’ll make a song to the Admin Girl
    I’ve been posting to her surreal “World”
    And as far as my sense of humor can
    I know that one day she will call me Len
    That’s who I am

    And when she sees this, she’ll crack a smile
    And when she sees this she’ll think of me a while
    She’ll see I’m not so dumb
    Just because .. I made a song for the

    Admin Girl! I’ve been posting at her surreal “World”
    And as long as my sense of humor can
    I know that one day she will call me Len
    That’s who I am

    Admin Girl you know I cant afford to buy her pearls
    But maybe someday when this song is done
    She will learn that I am lots of fun

    And when she’s talking she’s sounding so fine
    And when she comments she treats me so kind
    She’ll see I’m not so dumb .. just because
    I spun a song for the ..

    Admin Girl! I’ve been posting at her surreal “World”
    And as long as my sense of humor can
    I know that one day she will call me Len
    That’s who I am

    Admin Girl! She’s the Admin Girl!!
    Because this is a song for the
    Admin Girl! She’s the Admin Girl!!
    Because this is a song for the
    Admin Girl! She’s The Admin Girl!
    Because this is a song for the
    Admin Girl! She’s the Admin Girl!!
    Because this is a song for the ….

    *(I’m from Arizona originally … and currently)

  10. @lennie, awesome job! 🖒🖒

    What a beautiful young woman Admin Girl is. It is so damn hard to put into words how you feel when someone as dear as Admin Girl leaves us behind. May God’s grace surround her.

  11. Thx Mad Jack

    And to Fur If you can answer these questions without compromising her identity … Was she ever in a band with a name that I might recognize? Did she ever hit the big time? Was she a lead singer or a back up singer?

  12. I could be coy and leave it vague, leaving he impression that she made it big.
    She was in local bands. She actually made more of a name as a reviewer of clubs in the LA area.
    That’s all I’ll say.

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