For the uninitiated, this is Admin Girl – IOTW Report

For the uninitiated, this is Admin Girl

Admin Girl was the mother of this site. She did it all. She built the site, owned the url (I Own The World), kept a bunch of idiot guys in line (Hippie Critic, Irony Curtain, Mr. Pinko and BigFurHat), dealt with the servers, taught us how to blog, engaged with the readers, vetted new contributors (and did the dirty work of canning a few), kept us from lawsuits, was on California time (that was key for being nearly a 24 hour live site), and had a lot of great ideas for content. It can be told now that many of our graphics had the name Jill on them. Admin Girl was Jill (not her real name), but she didn’t want the glory.

This was one of our most successful images, and she did it, and it was ripped off by many for years to come –

For the people who did not know her, this is Admin Girl-

She was born in Korea and adopted by American parents. She was a Cali-girl, through and through.

She died of complications from a connective tissue disorder. She was a fighter until the end.

Here is her voice-

It’s okay, you can fall in love. Most people did.

We miss you.

38 Comments on For the uninitiated, this is Admin Girl

  1. She was great! Just tonight I noticed she is not keeping an eye on the site. I’ll bet to all you original iOTW bloggers she will always be missed. Even to us readers and commenters.

  2. Not that it’s an earth shattering track, but little ol’ me wrote, played and recorded the music.

    Admin Girl insisted it be original music or she wouldn’t do it, saying we could be sued if we used someone’s music and the thing went viral.
    This is what I meant by all she did for us, and how she had wisdom that we did not have.

  3. It is good to remember those fellow travelers who have enriched our lives, our passions, knowledge and experience.
    No matter the passing of time, their fingerprints and actions will continue to be blessings to thousands.

  4. I’m looking at those eyes and seeing someone that could accomplish any damn thing they wanted to. I’ve been here a while. I guess I just missed her. Gorgeous.

  5. ❤️
    AdminGirl helped me understand and manage an unexpected diagnosis, talked me off the ceiling, offered reassurances and guidance ( “don’t eat tri tip steak the night before you get labs done” LOL!) while dealing with her declining health. I miss our sometimes dark but funny email exchanges. She was the best. iOTW and AdminGirl popped up in my life at the right time. 💕🌟❤️

  6. I had a wonderful conversation with her many years ago. So kind, welcoming and delightful. She treated this stranger like a family friend. And, as I commented years ago on the obama oil thread, she could have read from the Boston phone book and made it exciting. What a talent!! I agree with Kcir – PLEASE post this remembrance at least once a year!

  7. She was great! Been a very long time. I miss her a lot!As I do Andy; and will elRudbo!

    Seems many Koreans understand FREEDOM IS NOT FREE

    May God keep you “Jill”

  8. I never knew Admin Girl – I think I came later? But I do recall when she passed and you (Fur? MJA?) told us a little about her.

    She does indeed has a beautiful voice and seems like she is a wonderful person. I am so sorry for your loss.

  9. that was great BFH I got here about the time she got sick.. . always wish I could have known more about her, and today I do.

    Is today an anniversary date?

    My deepest fear is that we are running out of the good speakers like Rush, I’m still crying at 11 AM

  10. Without her acting as den mother, our original gang of idiots would have crashed through the guardrail and gone tumbling down the embankment.
    She was that essential counter balance. Because we knew we had to pass stuff by her it actually made us think harder to be creative. Kind of like Seinfeld when they came up with language like “Master of his Domain.”
    I agree that this ought to be a yearly thing. Almost forgot how perfect and hilarious Oil of Obama was!

  11. Thanks for posting this, it brought back fond memories. When I was looking for an Avatar I asked her if it would be okay to use Oleg Atbashian’s Dead Che image (Tee shirts available at The People’s Cube). She said as he was a friend of the blog she thought it would not be a problem and helped me figure out how to post it.
    I can’t thank her enough for helping to get me hooked on this crazy wonderful site and welcoming me into the I.O.T.W. family.

    God Bless.

  12. I was such a newb when I contacted her.
    (I thought I needed an “administration girl” to approve me.)
    I loved the site and asked her “How do I join?”
    She said, “You just did. Welcome.”

  13. A lovely post for a lovely woman. I didn’t know the story of how this site became the site. I remember getting here from doing a search for ‘JournOlists’, and seeing the post here made me laugh so hard I kept coming back for more. I even bough my Rusky faux fur hat with the FORWARD and various other signage. I love that hat! I wore it while driving once and a Truck driver gave me a thumbs up! Glad to be here and meet? all of you. 🙂

  14. I’ve been around a good while, but not early enough to have known her. I wish I’d had the opportunity. The honor with which you remember her, with these words and previous, speaks enormously to her character.

    The only doubt I have that I’ll get to meet her one day lies in my own shortcomings.

    Fair winds and following seas, Admin Girl.

  15. Could we get list of all those treasured souls no longer with us? Please? I don’t really want to be morbid, but I don’t want to forget. And, shamefully, I know me.

  16. I remember asking Fur in an email for Admin Girl’s name. Just her first one. So I could offer up a prayer. He gave me that. And for that I am thankful.

    I am a contributor here and have been on and off for a while. I don’t think that had anything to do with what I was given.

    I think Fur knew I just wanted to honor in my way that girl.

    He was right.

    We are diminished by her death. And those of us remember her, celebrate her time among us. And raise her high.

    I’ll not speak her name here, as Fur has not. But I will ask, Fur, is it not time to do so?

    Speak her true name, let those here love her in her absence.


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