For Those Of You Keeping Score – Nobody Cares About The Wife of the Orlando Shooter – IOTW Report

For Those Of You Keeping Score – Nobody Cares About The Wife of the Orlando Shooter

Noor Zahi Salman is not in custody, and there are no new news reports about her whereabouts, or if she is even being pursued.

What’s going on?


18 Comments on For Those Of You Keeping Score – Nobody Cares About The Wife of the Orlando Shooter

  1. Nobody cares about her anymore, because we’re two “tragedies” past Orlando already. It’s yesterday’s news.

    The Media spotlight probes, but it does not linger. Fifteen minutes of fame? Try fifteen seconds now.

    In the meantime, Hillary and her crimes slowly fade into the background as the caravan rolls on, comfortably numb…


  2. I’m sure Obumbles issued an order to hunt her down and bring her to justice with the same intensity he has the troops hunting down the known terrorist attackers who carried out the attack in Benghazi . iow – don’t look, don’t tell.

  3. Nothing to see here. Move on. Move on.

    I said MOVE ON. GO. NOW. If you don’t move along, I’ll arrest you and jail you for disorderly conduct and failure to obey a police order.


    The intentional incompetence of authorities allowing this woman to vaporize is detestable. My country is gone. There is no justice here any more. The citizens who seek truth are now the ones accused of wrongdoing.

  4. “lone wolf” is so much easier for them in so many ways. Any more than one is a terror cell. Anyway, CAIR probably told Obama that muslim women may only act at their husband’s command, so poor Noor was blameless, so she got cut loose.

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