For Those Who Have the Time- Jordan Peterson Conversation With Camille Paglia – IOTW Report

For Those Who Have the Time- Jordan Peterson Conversation With Camille Paglia

Wait For It sent this to me. It’s an hour and a half of two intellectuals discussing the modern left. Plain language intellectualism seems Godlike to me in this era of the word-salad faux intellectualism of Michael Eric Dyson. Faux intelectualism is when a charlatan takes 3 minutes to express a simplistic notion by dressing it up with modern day professorial glitter. It bores and frustrates me.

Peterson and Paglia pack more in a sentence than Dyson could in a chapter.

Here’s a snippet of Peterson telling a story about zebras, a story I never heard before and I will never forget, and it dovetails perfectly with my criticisms of the likes of a Dyson.

19 Comments on For Those Who Have the Time- Jordan Peterson Conversation With Camille Paglia

  1. loved Paglia for years; more common sense in her little finger than all the blubbery of what passes for ‘wisdom’ on tv today … & a great cultural critic too

  2. Great suggestion, Waitforit. It’s a terrific conversation. I watched it a couple months ago and I’ll be watching it again. Those two should do a series of conversations and they probably will, they really seemed to enjoy it. Cool clip to highlight.

  3. So if all Democrats are zebras and progressives move freely among the herd, we need to find a way to mark them so the Islamist will take them out and spare the rest of the herd.

  4. ^ If the Islamists look closely, they’ll see “men” sporting man buns moving freely among the herd. Please take them first. And they’ll also see Prius drivers in traffic. Please take them and anyone with Coexist bumper stickers. Anonymous 8:20 this is going to be a lot easier than you think.

  5. That was me – Dr. Tar

    Damn fingers and I look forward to going back to how things use to be when the system remembered you and didn’t fault in the middle of writing a genius comment.

  6. There’s been something going on between him and vox day here lately. Vox claims proof of peterson’s links to some type of nwo plan where he consulted for them…if anyone’s interested.

  7. I love watching the videos of f Jordan Peterson making blubbering fools of liberals and especially some of those British feminists. He is a treasure. I will find time to listen to this as a real conversation between two of my favorite thinkers will be priceless.

  8. BFH,

    Wow and thanks.

    Heard of Peterson…know lots more of Paglia. She is solid about ‘society’ as it goes.

    Myself, not an intellect, but this was a GREAT pairing.

    Watched half way through…will definitely watch the rest.

  9. Anonymous, you refer to a ‘we’ but you are an individual aren’t you? Oh, so there is such a thing as society afterall is there and poor lonely anonymous actually wants friends and maybe a partner to share his loney life with,… or is it some really weird girl posting that weirdo comment? *** Lol, go rationale!!!

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