For Whom the Bell Tolls – Art Bell – RIP – IOTW Report

For Whom the Bell Tolls – Art Bell – RIP

I want to be the first to say- Art Bell is not really dead. It’s all a conspiracy. He lives in Arizona with Elvis.

23 Comments on For Whom the Bell Tolls – Art Bell – RIP

  1. He looks a lot like Steven King. The aliens finally got him. I tried listening to Coast to Coast AM a few times late at night while driving, I gave up because it was too strange for me and there are sure a lot of crazy conspiracy theory wackos out there who really believe all the crap he spewed.

  2. 18,000 tons.
    Patrol depth.
    On alert.
    Mid rats on the mess decks.
    And yes we listened to Art Bell piped down to the mess decks from radio.

    Our favorite was always the hidden submarine base under Vegas.😬🤫

    God bless, he entertained many of us from the high desert.

  3. Art Bell was always entertaining and had some incredible guests on. I listened to him on and off for years. Yeah, some of his guests were nuttier than squirrel shit, but it was all fun just the same.

  4. I’ve been driving all night, my hand’s wet on the wheel
    There’s a voice in my head that drives my wheels
    It’s a guy callin’, says “I see Them here”
    And it’s twenty past four and I’m shifting gears
    When I’m a-wokened and reality gets too much
    Art lays a big foot holler and screams of sasquatch
    Don’t need no phone at all

    We’ve got a thing that’s called Radar Love
    We’ve got a wave in the air, Radar Love
    The radio is playing some forgotten song
    Art is coming on strong

    The road has got me hypnotized
    As I speed into a new paradigm
    I get tired and I’ve sure had enough
    I turn the dial to Art and IOTW

    We’ve got a thing that’s called Radar Love
    We’ve got a Light in the Sky, Radar Love

  5. Remember Mel’s Hole located in Washington? Mel Waters would call Art and talk about how deep the hole on his property was. Something like 80,000 feet deep. Then there was the time he had his back deck of his house removed and a new one installed. He stepped out his back door to have a smoke and landed on the ground. His radio show went silent and reruns of his program began. The next night he explained to the audience what happened. Art was one of a kind.

  6. I was listening to Art before he was talking about aliens and stuff. He used to talk politics and argue with Doc Democrat, and Charlie Liberal, and then one night he said something like “I am bored with politics, lets talk about UFOs” I can’t say that is a direct quote it was a long time ago, but basically that’s how it all started. Rest in peace Art. Thanks for making the world a more facinating place.

  7. Years ago I was driving through Montana around 2am when I found his show. The topic was “Shadow People” which scared the fuck out of me being that it was pitch black out.

  8. Curtis Sliwa had an ongoing battle with Bell over air time in the wee hours. Called him Loonie Kazoonie. Satan used to call in and was very convincing. I’ve been a talk radio fan my whole life and Art Bell was a big part of that wonderful world. RIP.

  9. My mom kept her radio on all night long, and listened to Art Bell. When we moved to Las Vegas, she couldn’t wait to visit Pahrump. Now she can ask him all those questions in person. RIP.


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