Ford Taking a Lie Detector Test – The Test That Hillary Clinton Says She No Longer Has Faith In After Her Known Child Rapist Client Passed One – IOTW Report

Ford Taking a Lie Detector Test – The Test That Hillary Clinton Says She No Longer Has Faith In After Her Known Child Rapist Client Passed One

20 Comments on Ford Taking a Lie Detector Test – The Test That Hillary Clinton Says She No Longer Has Faith In After Her Known Child Rapist Client Passed One

  1. david, I saw a show one time that was showing how unreliable polygraph’s are. It showed different people taking the test with three different operators. It was kind of funny one man was asked if he had ever had an affair on his wife, two operators said he answered truthfully, one said he was deceptive. Another question he was asked was if he had looked at a woman’s breast who was a stranger to him. The operator who said he lied about the affair said he answered that one truthfully, the other two split, one truthfully, one a lie.

    Only one got it correct, as we all know every man has looked. lol

    Most of the questions were easily proven true or false such as if they have a son, daughter, wife, dog, cat, etc. Yet none of the polygraphs were the same. That’s when I quit believing polygraphs.

  2. Apparently the Senate Committee has interviewed a man who believes Ford mistook him for Kavanaugh. They spoke to him on Monday and a couple times through the week.

    Leftists are furious — claiming that this is an 11th hour ploy that the Republicans are pulling.

    And the funny part is they’re claiming this without a hint of self-awareness.

  3. Polygraph cannot detect lies they physical response to questions Belief plays a big part in how the response reads. if for instance you believe in Unicorns and the questioner asks you if Unicorns are real and you answer yes. it will show up as a truthful answer even though Unicorns do not exist. So if you believe that polygraphs detect lies you might as well believe in Unicorns


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