Ford Testimony Open Thread – Live Stream – IOTW Report

Ford Testimony Open Thread – Live Stream

The placating of the deranged begins in 5 minutes.

291 Comments on Ford Testimony Open Thread – Live Stream

  1. During Grassley’s comments, it’s deer in the headlights already.

    CBS has constantly derided the AZ prosecutor who will be questioning her. Because a prosecutor doesn’t know anything about the habits and questions that cross-examine a victim, do they?

  2. After Grassley’s comments if Ford actually testifies she is going to sound deranged. They made a major mistake taking it this far and letting Grassley get the opportunity to get the actual facts out.

  3. “Dr. Crazyeyes, er Ford——are you being paid?”

    I still say get thru today. Confirm him tomorrow but today announce a full blown Maryland state investigation, county investigation, local police (if she can even name a town/city) and FBI. They will disappear and recant so fast, it will be like the girl in Excorcist.

  4. So far, just script reading.

    I fail to understand the connection between what is alleged to have happened with Kavanaugh when she was 15 relates to needing a 2nd front door on a home remodel when she’s 50. Because he’s going to be on the Supreme Court one day.

    Can someone clue me in on that one? Because it sounds like she wants it, the way she wants it – her husband doesn’t want to pay for it and she dredges up a 35 year old accusation to justify a change order to her remodel.

  5. No wonder her closest supporters are people who have a very high tolerance for stupidity and fantasy. The remodel of her home doors caused this mental case to recall her being sexually assaulted. Perhaps she can recover her missing social content someday when she is remodeling her kitchen.

  6. Please let me just take a few minutes to get the Clontarf Irish Whiskey down and opened up for a bit of fortitude. This is going to need some liquid courage.

    She’s staying with the witnesses that have all stated that they are not witnesses.

  7. She has anxiety and PTSD about what happened with a student, yet she hosts students in her house??????????


    Male students don’t “trigger” her?

    She has male students come to her house???

  8. she’s channeling her hippocampus!

    they’ll really run with that concept- after all, she’s a doctor, so she knows. Without a clue what a hippocampus is, they’ll quote her and say it is proof.
    She gives me a hippocrampus

  9. My hippocampus is seared. And I still have the hat to this day. From when I was assaulted in the manner of Jenjis Khan.

    The prosecutor hasn’t had enough of a chance yet. She’s getting her to lay down the fact and her own inconsistencies. Once she’s stated things wrong with her own account and inconsistent with those then she can pick her apart. She’s got her correcting, clarifying and restating several things so far.

  10. She couldn’t remember how she got home, but was sure she didn’t drive…..SHE WAS 14-15 YEARS OLD!!!!…..this is going to be a feeding frenzy if the Republicans will cinch up their belts and have at it…

  11. I have assiduously avoided listening to anything that would wreck my Days of Jubilee that Donald J. Trump is President of the United States of America and not That Criminal Who Hates America and Americans.

    However, last night I read a piece by Sundance at Conservative Treehouse in which he repeatedly wrote, “Do not look away,” meaning bear full witness to the evil that is striking at the heart of patriots through their attacks on POTUS Trump, his administration, and this Supreme Court nomination. I understand what Sundance is exhorting us all to do, but it’s damn hard. Damn hard.

    This woman may indeed have experienced “something” that was “seared” into her memory, but I can guarantee you it wasn’t Brett Kavanaugh who precipitated it. Watching this woman play-act her role of Super Victim for the tee vee cameras is vomit-inducing. Too many people, including the “victim” herself, belie her shaking, quaking, “terrified”, little girl demeanor. Former students have described a woman with a penchant for seeking revenge, a “bad side” one never wanted to be on with her.

    This “victim” has had an enormous amount of coaching from her lawyers. We’re looking at Fakeness, and I don’t think it is hyperbole to say we are looking at the same level of Fakeness that brought us Casey Anthony at the mic.

  12. Durbin and Leahy are their usual cocksucker selves. It’s a national disgrace that they are allowed on any committee to oversee anything.

    The CBS analysis is as daft as usual. Because she said “hippocampus”, John Dickerson contends that she is “tutoring us on brain science”. That “this is not about the events that happened that night – but about the larger question” of the culture and #MeToo movement. Well, isn’t that convenient.

    I feel like I’ve been raped by Gayle King and Norah O’Donnell and it’s going to take years to get my IQ points back.


  14. I turned this on for 5 minutes and that’s all I could stand. So, I’m doing what I used to during Obama’s speeches. Reading comments here on iOTW. You guys will tell me everything i need to know..

  15. My favoite post by a blogger:
    CHILL: “She never experienced having a “rape kit” done in the emergency room of a hospital, as a teen. She’s never experienced complete strangers pulling her pubic hair out for DNA samples, her fingernails scraped, blood taken. She’s a liar who has sold her soul to the gd devil. F her.”

  16. she just said she could be more helpful in an fib investigation by providing more facts?
    WTF does she think she is sitting there for today?
    someone should throw something at her for that one

  17. Brian Williams and MSNBC are gushing on how exceptional Ford is. How believable blah blah blah. This circus is pointless, the media is going to carry the narrative for the Dems, frame the story, and hope they can influence people.

  18. She only had one beer, but she can’t recall how she got home and no one has volunteered to come forward to say that they drove her home from wherever she was assaulted.

    Please, let’s get this woman on the rack before it’s too late. Multifactorial risk factors. Biological predispositions. Airplane! Fear of flying, but no fear of lying!

    She’s in coupling therapy!

  19. Wish I could reach thru the screen and rip her throat out.
    God that voice alone makes me wish I was deaf, or her without a throat.
    Her without a throat is my preference.
    Send her to the swamp to talk with the frogs.

  20. “the full panoply of her questions…” from the polygrapher
    there were 2 questions. One asked her if she was being truthful about her statement, which only named ‘brett’, and no last name. Actually the question did not specifically reference that specific statement. It could have been about anything. Totally bogus, and I don’t think polygraphers are licensed in maryland. WHy didn’t she have it done in california, where she lives, and she wouldn’t have to fly?

  21. It’s obvious from all the statements made by the democrats on the panel that the only purpose of this is to delay the vote.

    They’re still delusional enough to believe they will win back the senate in November.

  22. I have not watched a single second. I am so filled with anger and rage at what a total travesty of justice this is … reminiscent of Jesus before Pilate, i.e. already deemed guilty just because of who he is. (In this case, a Conservative male.)

    This Ballsy bitch is nothing more than Judas Iscariot, getting her fistful of silver (from the Dems), for taking a good man down.

  23. Unless there is some Perry Mason moment, the republicans screwed the pooch with this hearing.
    It’s asinine and it’s going to result in Collins, Flake, Murkowski and some others saying they can’t confirm.

  24. Rush is on and is pointing out how ineffective it is for these 5 minute intervals. Particularly how the GOP is handling this – every time she gets the ball rolling she has to break. Rush was saying she is treating it like a deposition not a trial and now Chris Wallace is parroting it and everyone is saying the Dems are landing whoppers and the GOP are not exposing anything. And there isn’t that much time to do it. And basically this sh!t show is going to determine if they’ll vote or not.

  25. I just witness a gang rape. Durbin, Leahy, Klobuchar, Whitehouse and Coons just sucked this woman’s dick on live tv without getting consent.

    Technically, this would count as a blowbang by the B-Team. Those whackadoos make Trey Gowdy and Devin Nunes look like Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan. What a bunch of maroons.

  26. So she said she didn’t have personal conversations about any of this, and wasn’t seeing the need for lawyers, and didn’t discuss it with Feinstein or Eshoo. So who are these people she is speaking of who kept telling her to get a lawyer?

    And if these people don’t stop blathering on about how inspiring she is I may just throw up. This “profound public service” was denied by these very people to several others, why couldn’t they speak to the committee?

  27. ‘I would be more helpful if I knew what I was trying to say… blah blah blah”

    she’s a real jet-setter for being scared to fly
    she has lied about that- .”. she lies

    she can’t remember the day of her polygraph, which was 3 months ago. I’d check her hippocampus for that one.

  28. Marine Corps veteran of three combat tours in Vietnam and very honest Senator Blumenthal is speaking truth to those who do not know anything about False Valor.

    This ineffective, stupid woman is burning through the Republicans’ precious time.

  29. “It’s asinine and it’s going to result in Collins, Flake, Murkowski and some others saying they can’t confirm.”

    Maybe that was the point all along, cover for the assured defections just to screw Trump but to cover their own asses come election time.

  30. “Basic memory function means my memories are reliable.”

    From a psychology PhD?

    If she’s right about this it’ll revolutionize jurisprudence. If she’s not why should anyone believe anything that comes out of her mouth?

  31. Seems like there isn’t much that doesn’t ‘violate’ her. And talking like a little girl with the end up tick that I’m starting to notice is fading a little when she is getting questions she isn’t so sure of how to answer. Glimpses into the real Ford. Exactly why they haven’t put her on TV before, no one will know how truly fake and rehearsed this BS is.

  32. Missed opportunity!!!Her most vivid memory of the incident was auditory “the boys Laughing” She said they turned up the music in the room. Does she still get flahbacks or a emotional response when she hears the same song? What song was playing? too late to ask now.

  33. TO Fur
    I have to disagree that this hearing hurts K’s chances with the RINO GOPers.

    I agree with blogger ‘Harold Finch’s” assessment:
    “Christine Ford under oath is a train wreck. Counselor Mitchell is a pro, and it shows. The more Ford speaks & stage acts, the more people see she is lying.”
    …*especially* when you consider it’s the 100 Senators who are only people – the sole target audience – which “counts.”

  34. Oh lord-that voice!!! Rush is commenting on her up speak-whether it’s legit or coached-because it makes her sound innocent and young.

    I knew a woman, also from California, who spoke like this and who is essentially the same age as whatserface. Drove me nuts to hold a conversation with her! Gawd! Speak normally!!!

  35. TO grool
    No, Flake made it clear he required to hear her first…which sort of “forced” Grassley to take this route. Not pretty, but politics rarely *is.*

    And, who knows, the longer the Dems act like AH*LES, the more Americans flip to Red/#MAGA in November.

  36. The armchairs are pounding final scores out over lunch. This isn’t over by a shot. So far, it’s been opening statements, a recital of Ford’s exact comments from the prior day, some Dems sucking her dick and lobbying to put her on the $20 bills they use pay to their male prostitutes (Blumenthal, I’m looking in your direction) and Mitchell methodically asking questions about what she has really been doing and talking to.

    They’ve been letting the Dems grandstand and letting Mitchell ask questions. This is going somewhere.

  37. Has anyone asked her what her EXACT involvement has been with the resistance?

    I know she was asked if her motives are political by a dem and she answered no. But she needs to be put on oath as to exactly what her involvement in the resistance is.

  38. I don’t think I saw anything that would pull Cory Gardner off the fence. She seemed flighty, flakey, and fragile. Ernest and honest to her supporters, confused and unbelievable to his supporters. Judge Kavanaugh might have to make a better case than ever before to get past this quivering mass of emotional scar tissue.

  39. I’ll be honest…I really didn’t think he had it in him. And I still think it was a mistake for him to do the MacCallum interview. But I’m lovin’ this! He’s tougher than I figured.

  40. I hate that I cry when I’m furious.

    This morning, my daughter and I were discussing the allegations. I told her to imagine it happening to family or friends. She was tearing up and wobbly voiced. I told her that she shouldn’t be upset, but angry! She said, “Mom, you know me! I cry when I get this angry!”

  41. Shove it up your filthy corrupt asses…jewboy chucky schemer, jewess bitch fiensteiner, us cadaver Leahy and all the rest of you beast filthy socialist wreckers masquerading as US senators….get some judge.

  42. Saw this on HotAir:
    People on Twitter suggesting Kavanaugh— who has been accused of gang rape, sexual assault, and is receiving death threats— is disqualifying himself because he’s angry about this.

  43. That envelope handed to the shyster by Shelia Jackson Lee SHOULD be investigated.
    Also Feinstein looks like that lady in Planet of the Apes, but no way as smart. He baffled her in short order.

  44. The lib senators aren’t worthy of washing his clothes. DiFi should be in a holding cell awaiting trial, not questioning Judge Kavanaugh on why he isn’t asking for an fbi investigation.

  45. MJ: There was certainly a lingering in the “eff-uh” B-I.

    Lucky for Kavanaugh, all those female Supreme Court clerks he brought in are wallflowers who wouldn’t leap at the opportunity to tell the world how he held them down and raped them.

    Like he was Bill Clinton or something.

    His rebuttal is…seared in my memory.

  46. I was lukewarm on the Kavanaugh pick. Now I’m loving it. Backfiring biigley on the Dems.
    Also only heard Ford this am. Seeing the actual clips she looked insincere with a smirk. No comparison.

  47. “If you went to Twitter #KavanaughHearings you would VOMIT.”

    They’re not going away. They are here to destroy our Republic. It’s going to get worse. Violence between now and 2020 is unavoidable. Get prepared.

  48. True, Czar. I don’t mean to sound like I think he’s a lost cause for SC. DiFi–that was her with the cold open, right?–sounded like she was shaken to her dried-out core. I was listening to Kavanaugh in the car. That was the only part of the thing I wanted hear. He delivered. Whatever his establishment history may be, he is an honorary Deplorable.

  49. The people of Rhode Island should be ashamed of the scumbag they sent to the Senate but he’s just an accurate reflection of the subhuman shit people they are.

    So Truth In Advertising I guess.

  50. “why don’t you ask for the fbi to conduct an investigation?”

  51. Kavanaugh needs to directly state that their repeated requests for an fbi investigation are nothing more than grandstanding delay tactics to prevent his confirmation.
    Call them on the carpet in front of all America.

  52. It is 2018 and we’re talking about farts in a fucking 35 year old high school yearbook in The Senate.

    The Most Deliberative Body ladies and gentlemen.

    How far we have fallen. Excuse me…pushed.

  53. Glad they dumped the lawyer. It is not a courtroom. It is a coliseum now, and Judge Kavanaugh is Spartacus! Cory Booker is in the hole awaiting his turn with a real gladiator. There is going to be lots of blood on the sand before this day is done.

    Nobody will remember what’s her name tomorrow.

  54. Some in the ether are making a “thing” out of the fact that the term “Devil’s Triangle” is defined (online) TODAY as a sex act…NO ONE bothers to ask what the term meant in 1982 among teenagers. I also looked up “Quarters” as Kavanaugh referenced as a comparable drinking game (FWIW, I’m not familiar with either term…though certainly not out of inexperience with alcohol), and THAT clarifies it perfectly.

  55. Anonymous: Oh yeah, I was just going to comment on that: The liar, fake Vietnam hero, Blumenthal “reminded” the judge of the old judicial axiom: “False in one thing, false in everything.”
    This wanker Blumenthal is not dealing with a full deck.

  56. The problem with Kamella Harris is that she cannot believe that a man cannot have women friends without fucking them. She fucked every man she ever met to advance her career. It’s a cultural thing. Hard to explain in this day and age. But I had friends who were girls, most of us did, we went to dances, picnics, parties. All clean stuff.

    A different world.

  57. I don’t believe that Ford proved her point. Kavanaugh was able to prove his point.

    Since this is now fact that he is being falsely accused, he is technically the sexual abuse victim in this situation.

  58. Beer! I like beer too…like he said then AND now…now bring out the LONG KNIVES.

    I also LOVE the fact that he mentioned THE CLINTONS.

    Cuck and Cocksuckers all Dems. POND SCUM.


    @ Bad_Brad – correct.


  59. He should not have blamed a left-wing conspiracy nor Clintons. Now he can be accused of prejudice if a lefty has a case before the Supremes.

    NPR called his testimony a “performance” then walked that word back. The “performance” will be a talking point anyway.

    He was evasive answering some questions, he should have settled down. As Supreme Court material he showed too much combative behavior and histrionics. He had his statement at the start, repetitive answers, and continued hostility will be held against him.

  60. Years ago, the old racist bugger, Democrat LBJ, after signing the l965 Civil Rights Act, and starting the Great Society program declared: “We’ll have these niggers voting democrat for the next 200 years.”
    He was right, so far.
    But let me say this. After these hearings on Kavanaugh, and for those of you that remember the way Biden and Kennedy treated Clarence Thomas and Robert Bork back in 1991, things may change.
    I predict that decent Americans of all stripes will leave the democrat socialist party and vote Republican for the next 200 years.
    These hearings are a disgrace and decent Americans will see through them.

  61. Shirley Jackson Lee passed Ford an envelope full of blood money on national TV?

    Nobody ever accused Shirley of being smart. On the other hand, she is in too many protected minority groups to be questioned.

  62. Leahy: Judge, did you ever drink so much beer that you shit your pants?
    Durbin: I’d like to follow up on the honorable scumbag Leahy’s question: Did you ever get drunk on Guinness?
    Judge; Yes Sir I did .
    Please tell this August body of idiots what happened?
    Judge: Well it’s a long story and you may interrupt ma as you’ve been doing all day
    Durbin: You have the time.we won’t interrupt.
    Kavanaugh: Well, sniff, the way it was, what happened was, a bunch of us, after passing our finals, went to Flanigans for a few pints.
    When I got home, sniff, me Maw was waiting at to door.
    Durbin: Your Mother?
    Kavanaugh: Yes your honor.
    Durbin: Continue.
    Grassley: You have two minutes Judge.
    Kavanaugh: Well, my mother smelled something was wrong
    Durbin: And what did she smell was wrong?
    Kavanaugh: Puke Senator, pure puke. I explained to my Mother that Bill Casey, my buddy, puked on my shirt. But Mom. I said. Billy but a $10er in my shirt pocket to pay for the cleaning.
    Durbin: Interrupting, And what did your Mother do?
    Kav. She put her hand in my shirt pocket to retrieve the bill.
    Mother: But Brett, this is a $20 dollar bill?
    Kev. Oh yeah Mom, I forgot. He shit my pants too.
    Just a little levity to this bullshit.
    This is moe tom. Just got back from the DMV.

  63. @Zonga, I’d have to disagree – being personally attacked and presiding over a SCOTUS case are not analogous, and judges do in fact get pissed off in the courtroom, as someone on Twitter reminded readers with a comment.

    The comment in turn it reminded me of an Anchorage judge who flew off the handle at a POS during the sentencing phase – the guy had put a little boy in a tub filled with scalding hot water and then acted like everyone was out to get *him*, constantly whinging like a little bitch.

    It’s just anecdotal, I realize, but it happens way more than you may realize.

  64. Zonga, I think his emotions and mental state have probably been amplified by a significant loss of sleep. If I were in his shoes the last couple of weeks would have been sleepless leaving me absolutely zombified. The man has been put through hell.

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