Ford v. Ferrari – IOTW Report

Ford v. Ferrari

Powerline posted this hilarious pillow-biting review of Ford V. Ferrari by a beta soy-boy programmed robot –


‘Ford v Ferrari’ is the climate change horror film nobody needed

. . . director James Mangold never once even winks at the negative environmental effects of combusting all that gasoline, he has unwittingly managed to create a striking cinematic allegory for the climate crisis.

The critically acclaimed Ford v Ferrari, currently the No. 1 movie in the country, is a celebration of all the American values that got us into the climate emergency and a repudiation of the values we’ll need to get out of it. . .

All the greatest hits of American exceptionalism are baked into the script. Individualism? The central tension of the movie is between Shelby’s desire to do things on his own and the auto company’s habit of succeeding via collaboration. (“You can’t win a race by committee,” Shelby tells Ford at one point, articulating the film’s thesis statement.) . . .

White masculinity? There is not a single character of color in the film, and only one female character with a name: Ken’s wife Mollie, played by the appealing Irish actress Caitriona Balfe. In lieu of interiority, Mollie is given a lust for speed to match her husband’s, at one point zooming the family car around a winding suburban road, careening past other cars, while Ken yells at her to slow down. (Ford v Ferrari’s idea of feminismWomen  can  pollute  and  endanger  people’s  lives  too .)

It’s clear that Ford v Ferrari is the wrong movie for 2019. It would have also been the wrong movie for 2009, 1999, and 1989. . . Ford v. Ferrari feels like a stinking relic dug up from the bowels of the earth and endlessly refined until it acquired a nice plastic sheen. It should have stayed in the ground.


12 Comments on Ford v. Ferrari

  1. I would love to go see this movie except that Christian Bale stars in it and that’s enough for me not to go. After what he did trashing President Trump he’s on my permanent shit list never to see another of his movies ever again or watch his older ones either.

  2. Eco warriors are like Democrats and taxes. Good for everybody else just not themselves.
    Have they given up their cell phone. Keep the thermostat at 65 or 80. Quit using their dishwasher, dry clothes outside. Drive a small vehicle.
    Democrat would never pass a tax bill that applies to them.

    A quick search and I found this:
    Cell Phone Waste. A new kind of cell phone pollution – and this one is silent. Within three years, Americans will discard about 130 million cellular telephones a year, and that means 65,000 tons of trash, including toxic metals and other health hazards, a study says.
    “May 8, 2002”

    So in 17 years that is 368,333 Tons of cell phones.

  3. Let’s also talk about amusement parks, skiing, and any other type of recreation which involve burning lots and lots of fossil fuel for the travel. Face it, your existence is contributing to GW so to pick out a single activity like car racing is moot.

  4. I’m surprised that a soy snorter like that author would have the taste and the hormones to find Caitriona Balfe “appealing”. She’s an absolute stunner. I’d have thought that might have sent the author back to his basement closet…

  5. That’s all small change. Wait till these nitwits wake up and discover president John Kennedy set off that polluting space program to go to the moon.

    The 2-stage Saturn 1 rockets were about the height of a 22 story building, the 3-stsage Saturn 5 rocket, that powered the flights to the moon, were about the height of a 36 story building. They no doubt burned more fuel that all of the Ford v Ferrari races combined.

    24/7/365 whiners are so tiresome. Some days one feels like taking H.L. Mencken’s advice to hoist the black flag and get to work…

  6. If all the doomsday cruds bemoaning climate change were to commit collective Hari-Kari then the rest of us would be saved! I guarantee that we would erect a monument on their behalf!

  7. In the interest of diversity, we can never have a movie that only has members of one group in it

    So, the next time they put out one of those black barber shop comedies, they’ll include a snarky redneck and a flouncing gay Irish and an obnoxious obese JAP and a Chinese lesbian?

    Dont THINK so


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