Forget Los Angeles – Analysis of Today’s NOKO Test Missile Reveals It Could Have Easily Reached Chicago – IOTW Report

Forget Los Angeles – Analysis of Today’s NOKO Test Missile Reveals It Could Have Easily Reached Chicago

Based on the trajectory used, and the hang time, NOKO could have reached just short of NYC.


Reports say that North Korea again launched its missile on a very highly lofted trajectory, which allowed the missile to fall in the Sea of Japan rather than overflying Japan. It appears the ground range of the test was around 1,000 km (600 miles), which put it in or close to Japanese territorial waters. Reports also say the maximum altitude of the launch was 3,700 km (2,300 miles) with a flight time of about 47 minutes.

If those numbers are correct, the missile flown on a standard trajectory the missile would have a range 10,400 km (6,500 miles), not taking into account the Earth’s rotation.


ht. all too much

32 Comments on Forget Los Angeles – Analysis of Today’s NOKO Test Missile Reveals It Could Have Easily Reached Chicago

  1. I would like to think that Ronald Reagan’s gift to America of a missile defense system would prevent a missile coming that far before it is intercepted.

    Or we’ll have to live in a land of bad haircuts.

  2. China is using its rabid pig to flush the US out of the China Seas and Sea of Japan. It wants control over the entirety of South Asia and eventually the Pacific. That means we have to leave.

    When rabid pig can actually hold CONUS under threat, it will have effectively decoupled our defense compacts with Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. We will have to burn the fat pig’s toys with millions in ROK dead and billions more US debt and thousands of dead warriors. Or we will have to accede to rabid pig’s lunatic extortions to stop ICBM production which he will just continue anyway.

    Trump will punish China’s economy first. Then he will blockade North Korea. Expect accelerated ChiCom interference in FONOPS and in it’s mainland EEZ airspace, then later throughout the Nine Dash Line. At some point it will down a plane or fire on one of our ships. Probably the same day its rabid pig actually successfully tests a real ICBM.

    China is playing a horrifically bad stratagem. It is making a genocidal mistake.

    It would not have the technology to do this nor the economy to support it without the Clintons and traitors within our own government.

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