Forget the Smash and Grab – Now It’s the Uncap and Suck – IOTW Report

Forget the Smash and Grab – Now It’s the Uncap and Suck

Gas thieves have always been in existence, but now the California gas prices are so high there is a resurgence of the “suckers.”

If your gas isn’t secure, you’re looking at getting shaken down big time. I only keep about 3 gallons of gas in the car at any given time. Lol.

36 Comments on Forget the Smash and Grab – Now It’s the Uncap and Suck

  1. Nobody got shot or shanked so I guess this had a happy ending.

    I’m not a car guy but that car looked fairly new. Don’t all newer cars come with looked gas caps?

  2. lately my gas isn’t as secure as it used to be … every time I cough hard, I fart

    sometimes I fart just by getting up from sitting on the floor … can’t wait ’till I graduate to Larry the Cable Guy’s Grandma Walking Farts

  3. Locked gas caps don’t matter.

    Last time it got bad, folks just drilled into the tanks, leaving disabled vehicles and high fire and explosion hazards everywhere.

    …fasten your seatbelts, we’re in for a bumpy ride…

  4. I’d like to see some asshole try to find the fuel tank on my ’73 Beetle. And yeah, even that has a locking fuel cap… although I’m pretty sure it’s not original.

  5. My buddies and I do this to each other because we all have old cars.

    And it’s funny.

    However…..a stranger stealing gas? Cartman sleeps under my truck in the summer. Waking him up if you’re not me results in absolute insanity. Fuggin’ 4Loco cans spilling out everywhere, some giant man ape in a filthy Tshirt arises from under the truck with murder on his mind….

    Also funny as hell.

    But you can’t drill into my gas tank. It’s behind the seat in the cab. Just pull the fuel line under there. I can always buy more gas. Not into replacing the tank and the gauge and pump components.

  6. Anybody wanna’ rent Cartman for the summer?

    A couple of cases of 4Loco and some smokes is hella’ cheaper than a new alarm system.

    Plus, your alarm system won’t let you watch while it administers a Sonny Corleone beatdown in the street.

  7. At least Joe biden is empathetic. It causes him great personal pain when you have to pay so much at the pump only to get it stolen. Maybe if you write him a letter he’ll do something to make up for it.

    hahahah. yeah right.

  8. With my luck some m’fer will drill a hole in my oil sump. Too dumb to even unscrew the drain-plug.

    Even better… try to find the fuel tank in an MB 300TD. Even ASE Mech-Fucktards have trouble with that one.

  9. “Don’t all newer cars come with looked gas caps?”

    Nope. As close as it gets is needing to push a button or pull a cable to open the door to it. You can pry that thing open and unscrew the cap like you own it.

  10. I heard some of my neighbors werestealing gas (long story) so they found a 3 gallon can of gas that was mostly denatured alcohol….Their lawn mowers became very hard to hard to start….so they moved….

  11. I tried getting a 1/2″ hose in the tank of my wife’s car, it would only go in 12″ or so. Couldn’t get a 1/4 hose down either. Must be something to prevent siphoning in there. Now my truck is a different story.

  12. Bob, in the old days there was a spring in the filler neck. Wound smaller and smaller as it went down the neck.

    On some vehicles, anyway. It was a smart fix to a shitty problem.

  13. @Erik the ne’er-do-well unmasked scumbag(😄),

    I just searched that and there’s some guy in Fresno selling those “vintage” coils for about $12. Lol!

  14. Tony R
    MARCH 23, 2022 AT 12:41 AM
    “Geoff: and on the 57 it was hidden in the left tail fin.”

    …my ’80 Buick Electra Limited had it under the rear license plate.

    No millennial will ever look there.

    Too much work.

  15. If your gas isn’t secure, you’re looking at getting shaken down big time. I only keep about 3 gallons of gas in the car at any given time. Lol.

    I keep a full tank of gas at all times. If someone is hell bent on stealing from you, they’ll find a way. If they can’t suck it out of you, they’ll drill baby drill! In that case I’m not hoping for a car fire – I carry only liability. If I don’t have the cash to buy another one, I don’t need a car. I drive my cars until the wheels go square.

  16. We worked with a guy who bragged about everything. He bought a new truck and claimed that his new truck got better mileage than anything the rest of us drove. Every day, we’d pour a gallon of gas into his truck. He would entertain us daily with tales of the incredible mileage he was getting in his new truck. He carefully kept track of his mileage and logged it in a notebook. We slowly increased the amount of gas we’d put into his tank. He would brag about it and belittled us for not buying the same truck he had bought. He was on top of the world. Then, we began to stop adding gas and began to siphon a gallon or two gas from his tank every day. His carefully recorded gas mileage fell like a turd in a well. It went from 30+ MPG to under 10 MPG. The crazy bastard clammed up and never said a word about the fall in MPG’s. He had taken his truck to the dealer and screamed bloody murder that they had screwed him over with a lemon truck. After we stopped our hijinks, he rarely bragged about anything. Mission accomplished!


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