Former Agent: Secret Service Lowered Standards In Pursuit Of Diversity – IOTW Report

Former Agent: Secret Service Lowered Standards In Pursuit Of Diversity

“The Secret Service’s attachment to quota-based hiring was so intense that they hired applicants for the special agent and Uniformed Division officer positions that could barely meet basic physical fitness standards upon their commission as agents or officers.”

Former Agent: Secret Service Lowered Standards In Pursuit Of Diversity

15 Comments on Former Agent: Secret Service Lowered Standards In Pursuit Of Diversity

  1. I know I was there. We had ladies that couldn’t even run 1.5 miles each morning in training. I do remember the time shooting shot guns at the range and the woman next to me shot it for the first time was behind me after the first shot. they shut the range down for the day. I had to change my pants. The ladies also got points for their age. The older the more points.

  2. Big fan of Dan’s. Occasionally he guest hosts radio shows and I listen to him when I can. Very sharp debater and a true patriot. Too bad he couldn’t get elected, he’d a put a dent in the machine.

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