DC: The entire Pittsburgh Steelers team remained in the locker room during the national anthem, with the exception of one player: Army veteran Alejandro Villanueva, who plays offensive tackle for the Steelers.

While the rest of his teammates remained in the locker room, Villanueva stood in the tunnel holding his helmet in his left hand and holding his right hand over his heart as the anthem played. MORE
Oh, but there’s this, too:
Steelers Coach Didn’t Want Army Vet To Stand For Anthem.
Pure assholetry.
I have a close friend who has been a Steeler fan since ’72. Here are his own words:
“You know what bud – this hurt… I figured the Steelers would be the last team to disrespect the anthem given their history. The one Steeler who came out was Alejandro Villanueva – he served in the Army. I have been a Steelers fan since ’72 and again it hurts.
I have been a Warriors fan since ’76/’77 and don’t like what’s going on there. I’m not going to watch any of their games.
I am a sports fan and to see what’s going on, especially in the NFL, is discouraging. Wish I could go on but I am lost…”
Somebody with balls. That’s why he was a decorated Ranger. God bless him.
They are making it too easy to boycott their games and to not support products endorsing them.
The first incident of this type happened at an Oakland Athletics baseball game yesterday as well. And so it starts…
Ironic that the coach wanted 100% participation and was clearly agitated that HE didn’t get what he wanted. The lone patriot is now the activist.
That vet made the rest of the “team” look like 💩.
And they lost in crushing fashion too! 🖕😘🖕 Tomlin!
And remember, anyone who kneels AFTER PRESIDENT Trump’s NFL comments is now seen as protesting against Donald Trump and the rest of us who voted for him. Pure political bull💩.
Way to call them out Trump!
Much ado….and Hillary is still not president.
I wonder what would happen if you had a NFL player that was Jewish. He takes a Koran out onto the field and stomps on it in protest of how Israel is always a target of Islam. Would he hailed as a hero like Colon Crapperdick for taking a brave stand to raise awareness against the brutality of Islam?
No, he would be vilified by SJW and the leftist Media before the first second ran off the clock. The NFL would probably suspend him without pay and probably issue orders to the owners nobody is to give him a job. On the low down of course.
Glad the Steelers lost that game, karma’s a bitch to pay back!
This is actually a record-breaking event. It’s the first time in NFL history that a league member has fielded a team with only one man on it.
Well, at least the D’s know they have a reliable constituency. Though I don’t think there are enough of them to carry the day without their fan base.
NFL is teeming with idiots and A-holes. The fans will stop watching as more of this crap is shoved in their faces.
Making it to easy for me not to watch
Sunday’s Hero !!!
Wow, what a hypocrite Mike Tomlin is; LAST YEAR the Steelers stood, arm in arm, for the Anthem in solidarity with Villanueva. They made a point of showing that on the Fox pre-game show. And Tomlin was on mike talking about that. As a Vet I remembered and was impressed with the Steelers and Tomlin. Not now, with the exception of a salute to Capt Villanueva of the US Army Rangers.
Did any of the Steelers care they wer playing at SOLDIER’S FIELin Shitcago when they pulled this stunt? Rocky Bleier must be so proud of the Pittsburgh Kneelers.
Hey NFL, yesterday’s stunt happened on Gold Star Mother’s and Family’s Day.
Nice way to show respect to people who protect your sorry asses.
#78 Villanueva
Boycott the NFL.
Jerry Jones is the only patriotic owner. Screw the rest of the money grubbing beeches especially the Rooney’s.
Tomlin said in a post-game press conference that he was looking for “100 percent participation” in whatever course of action the team took during the national anthem.
Yeah, the majority of fans were looking for 100% participation in showing respect for their country.
Goodell said Trump should show respect for the NFL.
What the hell? You show respect for our country and the men who died for it.
If Trump wants to hit the NFL, he needs to promote ending the salary cap. Those modern day slaveowners colluded to keep from paying people what they’re worth. Bad deal!
I give them two more years and they will have destroyed the NFL and their multi-million dollar paydays.
I’ve been an NFL fan my whole life (57 years) and a Steeler fan for most of those years. I said goodbye to the NFL yesterday for good. I had moments that I wanted to flip over to the game, but settled for watching PBR with my grandkids and loving every minute of it. I also watched the MLS game and saw every player standing for the national anthem. Sorry NFL, it’s not me it’s you.
As a Hail Mary move to salvage themselves and their image,look for the NFL to come up with a high priced,consultant firm-guided program to show how all patriotic and shit the NFL is.
It won’t work.
That piece of crap Tomlin must think it’s a higher calling to be a football player than to be an Army Ranger. What a jackass!
I see no reason why our military should continue advertising in hostile venues, or wasting money and materiel doing flyovers. Perhaps our C in C is looking into that right now.
The NFL is about to get “Dixie Chicked”
Bring back the A(merican)FL.
Reality is going to hit these shit weasels come contract renegotiation time when salaries are going to drop 50%
Thirdtwin, here is someone that agrees with you.
Actions have consequences. Decreased viewership, boycotts of advertiser products and decreased ad revenues are to come. Goodall has no idea what a hornets net he’s kicked over. America will speak with their wallets. So much for professional players being role models for our youngsters. Thankfully there are a few exceptions like Villanueva.
And despite the obvious disgust by at least half of Americans, the NFL, lead by Goodell, doubled down in defiance yesterday!
They are making it ovious that they are what we think they are: spoiled SOBs!
joe6pak, maybe something will get going on this. And end the corporate welfare for team owners. Not another dime of public money for their stadiums.
God protect and bless this man. He’s a true American hero.
I’ll keep watching, waiting for those players to start ‘protesting’ before the game and burn the stadium down.
We all heard about the Dixie Chicks, Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Chicxie Dicks.
Maybe if Tomlin spent more time during the week planning against that week’s football opponent, the Chicago Bears, instead of his other opponent (The United States of America), he might have won a game that his team was heavily favored to win.
Now Villanueva is catching shit for rejecting a coach mandated show of unity in rejection of a league rulebook mandated show of unity.
Fuck the NFL… Now and forever.
The problem is not the flag but the players. They are 99% black