Social media sensation Xaviaer DuRousseau, a former Black Lives Matter activist who “accidentally red-pilled” himself while watching PragerU videos and is now a full-time PragerU personality, told Breitbart News editor-in-chief Alex Marlow that the left “weaponized fear,” but the American people are “over it,” because “all that did was divide.”
“What is your perspective on race in America right now? It is an optimistic time or is it a pessimistic time because the left is insistingly talking about race all the time, and we don’t really need to,” Marlow asked on Thursday’s episode of The Alex Marlow Show, to which DuRousseau replied, “I grew up in such a progressive dynamic where I was always being told to fixate on race, and all that did was divide.” more
All these people who are suddenly “awake”?
I’ll wait and see. I don’t trust most of them.
Beachmom – I’m with you. I could barely get through the linked article, for all his woke jargon. It’s plain he still doesn’t really understand the bedrock of his newly-found place in the world.
I think anyone who proclaims to be “red pilled” should at least apologize for their woke activism first.
u can have forgiveness from God if u repent, but not mine
ask j. crockett about the 80% of violent crime by yt-supremacists bullshit. think bias is not caused by actions?
He is just playing Flavor of the month for the next 4 years until he switches to another grift.
also: lispy, lisp, McLispy Voice
What is obvious to me, but I haven’t seen it expressed anywhere is that what DOGE is a full, complete and comprehensive explanation of why the bastards have been so energized and invested in keeping American citizens from owning firearms, particularly AR15s.
The elected and appointed officials, Deep State, alphabet Agencies, media, big Media, Big Pharma and Big Tech have all been in on the raiding of the treasury. Most of them were also invested in using our money to censor and propagandize us in order to advance their agenda. The rank and file Democrat and Republican establishment supporters knew full well what they were supporting is not only morally repugnant, it totally violates the Constitution, but their objective is to get in on the grift while serving to advancing their image in the eyes of their Dark Prince.
former? spincter oth hack-eem j. wans to meet trump-oids on de street, he doan sound like he over anything
****** assholes wanting a streeet fight, ru faster than Pb?