Former California principal facing charges after shoving special needs student – IOTW Report

Former California principal facing charges after shoving special needs student


In the video, the former principal of Wolters Elementary School in Fresno, Brian Vollhardt, can be seen pushing the student in the chest, causing him to fall to the floor during breakfast time on June 7.

A California elementary school ex-principal has been charged with cruelty to a minor, after video surfaced of him shoving a special needs student to the ground.

In the video, the former principal of Wolters Elementary School, Brian Vollhardt, can be seen pushing the student in the chest, causing him to fall to the floor during breakfast time on June 7 in Fresno, California, KTVU-TV reported.

According to a statement from the Fresno Unified School District, Vollhardt and other staff members were interacting with the upset student, and the principal chose to “aggressively shove the student down” instead of “de-escalating the situation.” MORE

7 Comments on Former California principal facing charges after shoving special needs student

  1. He is now vice-principal at another school. He should be in jail without bond, but this happened in California. If the guy had killed the child it would have been classified as a late term abortion and everything would be OK.

    If the parents make any trouble over this they will be SWATed, their dog shot, cuffed and paraded through the street in their underwear. FBI will raid their home, plant child porn on their computers….3….2..1… The trial will bankrupt the family, the other kids will be sex trafficked by social services after the parents are locked up in prison for 20 years.

    This is how the Biden DOJ rolls folks.

  2. I’d like to hear what the kid said.
    I’ve worked in schools and there are many, many times that a kid is labeled special needs but is just a punk and put on drugs. They’re allowed to get away with almost anything.
    One time one of those “special needs” kids broke into the art teacher’s closet and took a craft knife and threatened people with it. The teacher was blamed and reprimanded. Nothing for the kid.
    I would see kids hit others, say vulgar things, threaten, etc but get away with it because they were labeled.

    So I would need to see and hear both sides before deciding what really happened.


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