Former CEO Admits Facebook Is Designed To Be Addictive – IOTW Report

Former CEO Admits Facebook Is Designed To Be Addictive

In an interview with Axios, former CEO of Facebook, Sean Parker, discussed the intentions to build a social media platform that would “consume as much of your time and conscious attention as possible.”

Parker admits that Facebook is having an unknown, but probably negative, impact on society as so many people are constantly monitoring their own page in a desperate affirmation that they are personally liked by as many strangers as possible.


Tucker Carlson compared the addictive nature of Facebook with cigarettes last night in his opening dialogue Watch

Who needs Facebook, when you have iOTW?  Where you actually learn something new everyday.

16 Comments on Former CEO Admits Facebook Is Designed To Be Addictive

  1. Dumped Facebook for the most part many years ago.
    If you can completely unsubscribe I haven’t figured out how. Same with Twitter.

    Some notifications from each still hit my email inbox, which goes mostly Unviewed and instantly deleted.

  2. I am on Facebook, but my group of friends is pretty small. If I don’t know someone, I’m not social networking with them. I do spend way more time on IOTW than on Facebook. Damn it, Fur, you designed this site to be too addictive!


    I’ve had numerous accounts to LEAVE MESSAGES on websites, but since the liberals get my account blocked “due to suspicious activity” I haven’t bothered to get another one.

    Just delete your account (or get banned) and you’ll see it’s not addictive at all.

  4. I was on Facebook from the start, as AlYourfulname.
    An online friend invited me, and I signed in taking the instructions literally. (I was always told to follow instructions in school and in the army)

    I hailed from Frostbite Falls, and attended Whatsamatta U.
    This was good for years, until I pissed off a POS liberal lawyer by posting stuff at the comments section online, at the local paper.

    I was reported to Facebook for using a fake name (I suspect by that lawyer). Since then, I’ve been known at Facebook as Lou Pohl….for about the past four years now. 😉

  5. Many years ago, or perhaps a few decades ago, people would invite their friends over to watch home movies of their vacation, their kids or their pets. Usually too much drink and food was offered in order to get people to accept those kinds of invitations.

    That’s largely what facebook is now – “hey, would you like to see pictures of my vacation, kids, pets, what I had for lunch, etc. etc.?” Only without the “too much food and drink” component. I’ll pass.

  6. Jerry Manderin- LOL. I thought I recognized you! 😀
    I’m on FB because it’s easier to keep in touch with the Greek half of my fam.
    But if you’re there even minimally, please go hit LIKE on the iotw page!

  7. I deactivated my account in 2011, but it was recently reactivated. I think an app on my phone did it. I’m opening a business, so I’ll keep the account active for advertising. Other than liking friends’ posts and wishing people good luck or a happy birthday, that’s about the extent of my activity.

  8. After 2 years of daily Fakebook activity, I deleted my Fakebook account. I didn’t even tell anyone that I was doing it. Just one day.. I was gone. There are many reasons why Fakebook sucks. I’ve had no regrets.

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