Former CIA Officer Pleads Guilty to Spying for China – IOTW Report

Former CIA Officer Pleads Guilty to Spying for China

ET: A former CIA officer pleaded guilty May 1 to conspiring to deliver classified information to the Chinese communist regime, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) said.

Jerry Chun Shing Lee, 53, accepted a plea deal with prosecutors, which was approved by U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III in the federal court for the Eastern District of Virginia, according to the DOJ statement.

In May 2018, Lee was indicted by a federal grand jury in Virginia on charges of retaining documents relating to national defense, and conspiracy to gather and deliver that information to aid a foreign government.

Lee’s work for Chinese intelligence coincided with the breakdown of CIA spying operations in China from 2010 to 2012, during which more than a dozen CIA informants in the country were killed or imprisoned, The New York Times reported. Lee is suspected to be the source of the breach, according to the report.

The former CIA officer was arrested at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City in January 2018.

Fluent in Chinese, Lee is a naturalized U.S. citizen who was born in Hong Kong and grew up in Hawaii.

Lee worked at the CIA from 1994 to 2007. According to the indictment, he worked as a case officer, with the primary role of recruiting “clandestine human intelligence sources”—that is, recruiting people to spy for the United States.

In his role, Lee had access to the identities of CIA spies and informants; details of intelligence operations; and methods the CIA uses to avoid detection by foreign spy agencies, the indictment said.  more here


12 Comments on Former CIA Officer Pleads Guilty to Spying for China

  1. Hu says the terms ‘motherland’ and ‘fatherland’ don’t sell. Either that or they had the goods on the idiot via spying to begin with. Winnie the Xi strikes again. Turn out the lights on Mr. Lee, if that is his name.

  2. “Lee is due to be sentenced on Aug. 23 and faces a maximum of life imprisonment. However, actual sentences for federal crimes are typically less than maximum penalties, according to the DOJ statement.”

    Why? His actions resulted in the death or imprisonment of more than a dozen agents. The punishment should fit the crime, especially here.

  3. It’s time to start using ‘stretch’ with Biden. Bad lift job. Should have used Putin’s guy. Probably same as Lenin’s. Biden has his hand in Winnie The Xi’s honeypot.

  4. The usual preamble for federal employees when in front of a judge is because of your previous sterling public service to the country this court will wave internment in prison and issue a stern warning to commit no further criminal acts. Your full retirement benefits will continue and court costs will be absorbed by the government. You may go sir.

  5. Shouldn’t be interned … should be interred.

    Well, if we’re not willing to do anything serious with HRC, the Ohrs, the Demonrats, Reid, Schumer, Pelosi, Abedin, Cortez, Gruber, Waters, Obama, and other Traitors, why should we be serious about this guy?
    Fuck it! Let him run for office in California, DC, Massachusetts, Maryland, Oregon or Washington!

    No sense getting all shitty cuz he’s a chink …

    izlamo delenda est …


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