Former Cruz Texas Chairman Switches to Trump – Tells Stragglers to Get on Board – IOTW Report

Former Cruz Texas Chairman Switches to Trump – Tells Stragglers to Get on Board


Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick is taking an official role with the campaign of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, serving as his Texas state chairman.

During the primaries, Patrick had chaired U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz’s efforts in Texas.

Patrick has a message for any hardcore Cruz backers who may still be on the fence about Trump.

“To all the Ted Cruz supporters out there, I’m a longtime friend of Ted, I was his campaign chair in Texas. It’s time to come on board. It’s time to come on board. We have to defeat her. You have to put everything aside and focus on that Supreme Court.”

12 Comments on Former Cruz Texas Chairman Switches to Trump – Tells Stragglers to Get on Board

  1. A #NT final words as his head lies on the ISIS chopping block.

    “Even though Hillary won and the Constitution was shredded by a 7-2 leftist-marxist-sharia Supreme Court, and my house was taken from via eminent domain to give to a family of 8 refugee males from the Middle east, my job was taken from me and given to a refugee, I was declared obsolete by the state as a conservative and a Christian and even though ISIS has taken me hostage in my own country and I’m about to have my head chopped off, I am proud to say that I never wavered in my principles and glad that Trump never got elected! Think of the mess this country would really be in….” CHOP

  2. —-“To all the Ted Cruz supporters out there… It’s time to come on board. It’s time to come on board. —

    Gee ya think? As if a vote for Trump is a betrayal to Cruz, what a twisted bunch of hooey

  3. Good for him. I don’t give a crap whether people think this is too little too late or too late in coming. If it get ten votes that Trump wouldn’t have gotten it’s worth it. This guy hits it on the head. If Clinton gets a term the liberals and progressives will own the SCOTUS for the next 25 years and as we’ve seen that is where the real power seems to lie nowadays. I hope he works like the devil in the next couple of months to turn Cruz diehards around. Cruz was my choice but I’ve lost respect for him about his stance after losing to Trump. It’s no longer about his “principles” it’s about saving the country and Ted better damn well figure that out and quick.

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