Former D.C Mayor Given The Bum’s Rush From Gay Bar – IOTW Report

Former D.C Mayor Given The Bum’s Rush From Gay Bar

Vincent Gray, former mayor of the District of Columbia, tried to enter the D.C. Eagle recently without showing proper I.D.

Members of the well-known gay bar asked to see Gray’s I.D. numerous times. When he refused, an establishment bouncer sent sitting city council member out the door for failure to comply with city law. More

23 Comments on Former D.C Mayor Given The Bum’s Rush From Gay Bar

  1. A club hires a bouncer to enforce club rules and local laws, and to control who gets inside. The ex-mayor wouldn’t comply with the local laws and, making a reasonable assumption about the assholiness of the ex-pol, refused in a snotty manner. The bouncer then bounced him.

    What’s the big deal?

    p.s. Dr. Tar, I like your headline.

  2. The bouncer SHOULD be fired. People who are so stupid that they can’t be permitted to exercise even the smallest amount common sense or discretion need to go work at something that doesn’t require an IQ over 60.

    This situation and this individual might not engender sympathy, but I for one am getting really weary of laws and rules enacted to compensate for morons’ lack of functioning brain cells.

    (Sorry, I just got back from the post office where I was told by the woman at the counter that I couldn’t buy a roll of stamps because they hadn’t received a “shipment” yet. When I lost it at her, lo and behold I discovered that that meant that some nitwit in the back had to take some stamps from a carton in the storage room and bring it to the front where a receipt for it had to be signed. “Shipment”. How many patrons would have just left, wondering how it could be that the post office is out of stamps…)

  3. Stupid bouncer with the IQ of a ferret. The law is to keep out underage…

    Either the bouncer was too stupid to be able to tell how old the old geezer is or too stupid to understand the purpose behind his job. ….Lady in Red

  4. Lady!

    How could you rush to judgement like that? Have you heard the clubs side of the story?

    I’ve worked in niteclubs. People with attitudes constantly get their attitudes checked. Look at this old fart. He gets booted from a club for being a dick. What’s his solution? GO NATIONAL AND DEMAND SOME MINIMUM WAGE EMPLOYEE BE FIRED. Instead of apologizing for his drunken elitist behavior and moving on with his life.

    tsk tsk tsk

  5. FTA: “The DC Eagle had a glam squad photo shoot, silent disco, DJ battle showcase and fire performance for Art All Night, according to the event’s website”

    Cause nothing spells creepy like a 75 yo homo demanding entry in a glam squad photo shoot. That’s why you were tossed ya hoser. Geesh, everything in life has a “use by” date.
    And what’s a silent disco?

  6. While purchasing cigarettes at a chain drugstore I was informed that they will require I.D. from everyone starting next month. I know I look young for my 73 years, certainly not under 50+, but obviously I will comply. BTW, we had a good laugh about it.

    Establishments have to protect themselves.

    Plain Jane

  7. He deserves it for pulling the “don’t you know who I am” crap with the CITY COUNCIL ID instead of the ID “Normals” use.

    All he did was prove his jerkiness and sense of entitlement.


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