Former DC Bureau Chief: Clinton Surrogate Pitched Me ‘Birther’ Story In 2008 – IOTW Report

Former DC Bureau Chief: Clinton Surrogate Pitched Me ‘Birther’ Story In 2008

DC: Hillary Clinton surrogate Sid Blumenthal personally pitched a reporter on the President Obama “birther” story when she was campaigning for president in 2008, a former Washington reporter said Thursday.


The Clinton campaign and the media have consistently refuted Trump’s claim Clinton started the birther movement, which Trump re-upped Friday when he said for the first publicly that he believes Obama was born in the United States. “Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy,” Trump said, drawing a slew of media fact checks almost immediately. “I finished it.”

But former McClatchy Washington Bureau Chief James Asher has backed up Trump’s version of events, saying he was personally pitched the story by a Clinton surrogate in 2008.


Also, watch this video – Hillary Starts Birtherism.

10 Comments on Former DC Bureau Chief: Clinton Surrogate Pitched Me ‘Birther’ Story In 2008

  1. Fox News credibility is going down almost as fast as Hillary’s hydration level did in a New York minute… on a nice day in New York.

    Where’s Andrea Tarantino,the best on air personality they had? Gone!
    Gretchen Carlson? Gone! (with a 20 million dollar payoff)
    Greta Van Susteren? Gone? (not sure why in her case)

    And yet Juan Williams and Geraldo Rivera blather on, day and night on every program.

  2. Cankles to voters: “i dont smell any smoke. There is no fire here. Move on bitches.” “I am Innocent. I never met Obama on a tarmac. I never said nuthin about no birther babies. I never called anyone a gd Muslim.” “I didn’t sell access to that muslim’s white house for cash to my foundation. I never steal money from old folks. They told me to help myself, over and over, as long as it is under $100.” “It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Trump’s fault. It’s Obama’s fault.” “I don’t have no gd parkinsons, I don’t faint, I don’t lie”.

  3. On the TV news tonight, CBS labeled Trump’s statement a lie. No “allegedly” this, or “reportedly” that.

    A lie.

    Now how can they be 100% sure of that?

    Oh that’s right, Honest Hillary told them so.

    And Believable Barry backed her up.

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