Former Dem Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is Suspiciously Hanging Around Trump – IOTW Report

Former Dem Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is Suspiciously Hanging Around Trump


Earlier this week President Trump sat down for an interview with Laura Ingraham on FOX News.

During the interview Laura Ingraham asked Donald Trump about possible Trump running mates in 2024. Vivek Ramaswamy, Ron DeSantis, Byron Donalds, Tim Scott, Kristi Noem, and Tulsi Gabbard were names that Ingraham mentioned.

When asked about these names, President Trump agreed that these names were on his short list.

Obviously, this generated a lot of speculation. It should be noted that Laura brought the names up, not President Trump.

Sean Hannity actually quizzed Tulsi Gabbard in 2023 about her vice presidential aspirations.

So, this is interesting, Tulsi Gabbard is going to headline a fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago next month.

The Hill reported:

Former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is slated to appear at former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort next month.


48 Comments on Former Dem Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is Suspiciously Hanging Around Trump

  1. Without REAL PRINCIPLES, ALL politicians just say what folks want to hear. Indeed, anyone can wake up to the correct realization that government is our mutual enemy and that ONLY by gutting THEIR power and restoring it to the people and a truly free market, can anything positive EVER be achieved, but I am not sure that she is anywhere close to that yet. Trump isn’t there yet either, but a bit closer than her. Until there is an open and vocal REJECTION of her previous democrat/liberal beliefs, and ideally some real history of the change, she should be rejected. She could just be their way into the White House when they murder Trump.

  2. I wonder if Adm. Mike Rogers is on the short list of possible VP candidates. Seems to me he (as the NSA Director) alerted the incoming Trump administration to the dirty tricks played by the outgoing obama criminal enterprise. Seems to me that alone would warrant consideration.

  3. Actually, the only one on that ‘short list’ that I could get behind is Tulsi Gabbard. Just my opinion. If I’m not mistaken, Trump was a lifetime Democrat. So was Reagan. I don’t see coming to one’s senses as a crime.

  4. Gabbard first caught my attention during the first Halfrican term when she accused that administration of supplying weapons to the bad guys in the big sand box. She organized a bipartisan field trip and went over there and proved it. This proved to be wildly un popular with the news media and the Nazis. They wouldn’t let her join in any of the fun in DC after that.
    Next up, her murdering Kamala on stage. Brutal. She’s been moving towards Trumps positions, MAGA’s positions, for a long time. I think the recent lawfare bull shit did the trick. She has a huge center, center right, following. Military and x military love the shit out of her. She shoots competitive three gun, and I believe she’s a spokes person for Staccato. Talk about getting red pilled.
    I think she would deliver Hawaii too. But most importantly I do believe she genuinely cares about our country.
    There are worse choices.

  5. I think it’s a mistake to compare Reagan and Trump’s conversion to what we are seeing with this woman. Reagan was a staunch conservative for 30 plus years before he ran for president. And Trump was a NY businessman, who greased the palms on anyone in power at the time, which is good business.

    Gabbard’s impeachment vote and “unfit” comment was not that long ago. Sure, anyone can have a “come to Jesus” moment, but Bill Maher has had his eyes opened as well, doesn’t mean we should give him the car keys.

  6. You can’t fire your VP.
    Sounds like a lot of folks want to put faith in a person who as far as I know still calls herself Democrat.
    Cabinet position yes. With caution.
    VP absolutely not.

  7. She’s a fucking Democrat!
    Now pretend I just screamed that at the top of my lungs a hundred times.

    Shit like this is why our party is in a shambles. You don’t invite your mortal enemy into your camp no matter how often that enemy tells you what you want to hear. You ignore the siren song of the turncoat, the chameleon that changes colors to hide in plain sight.

    If the ticket of Trump/Gabbard should by some long shot win the election, she’ll be in the top slot as quick as an alphabet agency can put Trump at room temperature. Then we’ll see her true colors and they’ll be deep, deep blue.

    Democrats are our enemies. As potent and dangerous as they come. They want to subjugate those of us that they can’t kill off first. Have they not made this clear?

  8. Brad, Tulsi left the Dems to become a Independent.
    You know, the party that has a long history of aligning with Democrats on the majority of issues.
    Doesn’t fill me with confidence.

  9. Different Tim/Mystaclean

    First of all, her being VP ain’t going to happen. But I do find it interesting you literally know nothing about this person but don’t hesitate banging away on your key board. Please read my first comment.
    I’d take her over 90 percent of the GOP. She’s bitch slapped the shit out of Mitt Romney before too. Forgot about that one.
    Take some time a read some of her positions here. And you’re safe. By clicking the link doesn’t mean you’re joining twitter.

  10. mystaclean

    Sounds like Lindsey Graham is your ideal politician.

    “I’m beginning to think Trump will be the 48th president”

    At the rate the new “migrants” are ramping up murder, mayhem, and general violence, we should be under martial law about 8-1.

  11. Brad, sorry that I forgot your opinion is the only one that matters. I’ll try to be better.
    In the meantime go to the gym, drive your diesel dually, shoot your guns and play with fancy metals at your machine shop.

    I guess I know too much about you but that’s because of your constant bragging about yourself.

  12. Hey Brad, I’ve got more respect for you than you will ever know.

    Political positions are worthless. 99.999% of the political class abandon those positions before they take their hands off the bible. Oh, they still tell us those sweet, sweet little lies, but when we’re not looking, they’re looking out solely for themselves.

    Right now the progressives are running the show. They’re the masters and it behooves a member of the political class to obey their master. A Trump presidency is our only hope but those masters, they reside all over the globe and there’s a lot of them.

    I don’t trust politicians and I really don’t trust politicians that switch teams.

    BTW, Trump is not a politician which is why I voted for him twice already and I will again if I get the chance.

    I’m fired up this afternoon. I just got a mailing from my House rep touting all the things he’s done that conservatives want to hear. I know his voting record though and he’s on our team about 20% of the time.

    The good news is that he’s being primaried. But the fact that the guy running against him last ran in the state of New York as a Democrat means that I have no choice at all.

    Put in a hyphenated last named Hispanic who votes with the Democrats the majority of the time or vote for a turncoat from New York.


    I’m out.

  13. mystaclean

    My opinion. There were no Republicans or Democrats. Just assholes that wanted most of our paychecks. So now I’m leaning towards candidates the rest of them hate. I dunno. We’ve got big Fing problems and it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better. And I’m about a thin hair away from not voting anymore. What’s the point.


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