Former deputy Scot Peterson arrested for child neglect, culpable negligence in connection with Parkland school shooting – IOTW Report

Former deputy Scot Peterson arrested for child neglect, culpable negligence in connection with Parkland school shooting


A former Broward Sheriff’s Office deputy who was criticized for not entering Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland during a mass shooting in February of 2018 has been arrested for child neglect and other charges in connection with the tragedy.

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement announced Tuesday that 56-year-old Scot Peterson is under arrest on seven counts of neglect of a child, three counts of culpable negligence, and one count of perjury.

He was booked into the Broward County Jail on $102,000 bond.

According to his arrest warrant, “Deputy Scot Peterson, while acting as a caregiver, willfully neglected; [REDACTED] by failing to immediately take action, as he was trained and as is required of a caregiver, to stop the active shooter, Nikolas Cruz.”


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27 Comments on Former deputy Scot Peterson arrested for child neglect, culpable negligence in connection with Parkland school shooting

  1. Take that bastards pension away also and confiscate his bank account to repay what he’s collected since that day. Every other LEO who arrived on scene without entering building needs same charges set upon them. Gin Blossom-Same thought entered my mind. I know a guy has same name. Might start avoiding him.

  2. I couldn’t love Gov DeSantis more!

    He replaced Broward Sheriff Israel and now looky looky things are looking up. Why, we may even a legitimate election in 2020.

    Adios Sen Rick Scott. Aside from quietly granting illegals in-state tuition, retaining Brenda Snipes in Broward Co 8 yrs, to commit election fraud EVERY damn election, we hardly knew ye, and it’s more apparent than ever your status as “seat warmer” will continue in DC.

  3. Another F’ing Scot ‘Scott’ Scoot, PERTERSON!
    That’s some rotten DNA right there.
    All Perter-sons change your surname to Clinton and you’ll be alright,,,
    (bows and h/t to gin,,,was typing as you posted,,scary same thoughts,,)

  4. Lotsa comments on other sites about he shouldn’t be charged. I say if I would be charged for bringing a gun to school because the cops/deputies are the only ones allowed to do that, then charge him for dereliction.
    Or sumting.

  5. Some men are deficient and lack courage, that’s fine, but they should never serve in the military or put on a badge. This bum did not hold up his end, he cashed the pay checks and took the benefits but when time came to do his duty, he retreated and hid (I was going to say like a scared little girl but even little girls would have done more than he did).

    Most military codes of justice require cowards to be shot at dawn.Going to prison for a very long time, and being sued to the point of penury is a satisfying alternative.

    I know it’s a cliche but when I read this it made my day.

  6. Many everyday citizens risk their lives in emergencies, but not doing so as a police officer in a school shooting…not serving or protecting kids, that is not what is expected of the office. If your not ready to take those risks, your in the wrong field.

  7. Peterson should have looked at his own cowardly image in the mirror the night of the shooting and have done us all a favor. He had his service weapon and bullets.

  8. We all believe we would “do something” in times of danger, we would grab the child, throw something at the robber, give first aid to the victim, but until you’re actually there, you will never know.
    * When the plane crash landed in the Hudson River in NYC, how many grabbed anything that floats to help the stranded passengers?
    *The child has flipped his ‘water wings’ and is upside down in the pool. How many onlookers will jump in the pool to save the child.
    *The last time some tragedy – human or accidental- how many people decided to film the action instead of coming to a stranger’s aid.
    We know the answers.
    The man froze. Or he was waiting for orders. Or he didn’t know what to do first.
    Let’s hear his account before we stone him to death.

  9. No Srdem65.

    If you hear gunshots inside a school full of children you don’t dither and shirk, even if you are an unarmed citizen. That a police officer who vows to preserve, protect and defend make his actions less excusable.

  10. @ srdem65

    What you are forgetting is that this bum was an officer of the law, big difference from just a civilian minding his own business.

    When you are a cop you have a duty, an obligation to protect life when threatened, case law and precedent demand it. When a felony goes down, say a bank robbery, a citizen has no obligation to act. He can run away and hide if he wants, not a cop. The penal codes of each state words it a bit differently but the tenor is the same, the cop has to act, based on his training. Peterson did not do that. Worse still, he wasn’t some street cop with a beat on patrol, no, he was a school resource officer. He had one duty, to keep the kids in his school safe, and he ran away from this duty.

    There is zero doubt, the final investigation confirms this, that if he at least showed himself, confronted the gunman and engaged, what he was paid to do, that lives would have been saved.

  11. You had One Job. One.
    Don’t strap on a shootin’ iron and take pay to carry it around if you don’t have the sand to do the one job you were hired for.
    Now take your Medicine

  12. Just ask the dead kids parents how they feel about him.
    He needs to be in jail and making big rocks into gravel.
    Not a smigden of manhood in him.
    Some things are worth dieing for, get over it.

  13. Zonga, the circumstances and the specific charges in this case is a work around aimed at addressing that decision.

    Unlike a beat cop who is employed by a municipality and is sworn to protect citizens within that municipality, Peterson was a school resource officer for that one school. He did not have to patrol a beat, take criminal complaints, write tickets, or do any other sundry duties required for LE’s. He was there to protect those specific kids. That is why he was charged with neglect of a child, like a baby sitter or nanny, that and perjury. Sure, it is a novel approach and unprecedented, but this is an unusual case. A conviction is not a sure thing.


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