Former ESPN Reporter: I’ve Seen Female Sportscasters Use Their Looks to Get Ahead – IOTW Report

Former ESPN Reporter: I’ve Seen Female Sportscasters Use Their Looks to Get Ahead

Breitbart- Former ESPN reporter Britt McHenry has been quite outspoken since getting laid-off by ESPN in April of 2017. For the most part, McHenry has spoken out on issues regarding media bias and politics.

However, now she’s speaking out on the sexual politics of sports, something she claims to have seen firsthand.

With sex scandals raging across the world of politics, entertainment, and now, sports; Mediaite’s John Ziegler asked McHenry about any experiences she may have with sexual harassment, during a recent podcast appearance.

McHenry recalled several instances where athletes hit on her while she was doing her job as a reporter for ESPN. Ziegler then followed-up by asking whether the practice of selecting attractive women to go into locker-rooms, cultivates a culture of harassment.

While McHenry said that her personal experiences remained professional, she also asserted that she had seen female reporters use their sex appeal to get breaking stories, and advance in their careers.

McHenry said:

I have seen women use that to their advantage, or perhaps crossed lines, or maybe didn’t act as professional either. So I don’t think we should look at this as a one-gender type of offense as we try to clean up the corporate culture. I think at times we need to really take a full look at what’s going on, and give it some investigation before just blatantly firing people and ruing reputations.  read more

14 Comments on Former ESPN Reporter: I’ve Seen Female Sportscasters Use Their Looks to Get Ahead

  1. I’m sure all the beautiful women on Fox are there because they’re fantastic journalists. And the lovelies on Weather Channel are there because they’re stellar meteorologists. (paging Jen Carfagno…)

    Speaking of looks, is Rosie O’Pigface in custody yet?

  2. Personally, I think there are too many white women doing locker room journalism. Need to get a whole lot more black women in there to stop the shenanigans. And for Diversity, of course.

    And Steve Sailer’s Law of Female Journalism comes to mind: “The most heartfelt articles by female journalists tend to be demands that social values be overturned in order that, Come the Revolution, the journalist herself will be considered hotter-looking.”

  3. you know dam well those women love going into the locker rooms or they wouldnt do it. Like Joe says, water is wet. Sky is blue, sun rises in the east. But i’ve never seen a ugly fat woman reporter.

  4. I’m actually kind of surprised that the wives of the players haven’t banded together to demand that their husbands demand a ban on women in the locker rooms else said husbands risk an encounter with their cranium and a frying pan.

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