Former Head Of The US Mint Suggests Creating A $1 Trillion Coin As Work Around For Debt-Ceiling – IOTW Report

Former Head Of The US Mint Suggests Creating A $1 Trillion Coin As Work Around For Debt-Ceiling


A trillion-dollar platinum coin could be minted “within hours of the Treasury Secretary’s decision to do so,” Philip Diehl, former director of the United States Mint, tells Axios.

Why it matters: Congressional solutions to the debt-ceiling problem could take weeks to implement, especially if the reconciliation process is used — and time is running out. In case of emergency, a trillion-dollar coin could be deployed to bridge any gap between the money running out and the debt ceiling being raised. More

32 Comments on Former Head Of The US Mint Suggests Creating A $1 Trillion Coin As Work Around For Debt-Ceiling

  1. It’s like taking 1,000,000 $15/hr wage earners, who the goons pretend to care so much about, working 8 hours a day for nearly 23 YEARS, every day, wrapping it all up and throwing it in the trash.

    AHh well, what’s another $1T between friends? Joe burns at least that every month. Has there been so much as 1 day he hasn’t been trying to pass some multi-trillion dollar shitbill? NOPE!

  2. This is the same as if I took a sharpie and added a 0 to the $10 bill in my wallet and was actually able to spend it.

    And since we are making sh*t up why not make the coin from ‘bidenium’

  3. I can see why he’s the former head.

    Imagine taking it someplace and trying to get change for it. Or would we just give it to the Chinese, saying Joe Biden says it’s for all your help.

  4. Why even go to the trouble of minting the coin? The logic involved just dictates that ‘something’ be worth a trillion. How about an N95 mask? A urinal mint? Convince more of the people than not that any object is worth a trillion and the problem, it’s solved.

    Shouldn’t be too difficult to convince the coastal elite and those that have graduated from any institution of higher learning in the past twenty or thirty years.

  5. As I wrote sometime previously: I have in my possession a $10 Trillion (Zimbabwe) note, so we KNOW it can be done, and we may well suspect it WILL be done.

    But why must it be in Platinum? Aluminum would work just as well. And, in the end, we’ll have paper notes (probably have to outsource the printing to France).

    We’re on a trajectory to Hell.

    izlamo delenda est …


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