Former Iranian Lawmaker in Stunning Admission: Our Goal Was to ‘Build a Bomb’ from the Start – IOTW Report

Former Iranian Lawmaker in Stunning Admission: Our Goal Was to ‘Build a Bomb’ from the Start

Whaaaat?! Yer shittin’ me!


In a stunning admission, former Iranian lawmaker Ali Motahari acknowledged the Islamic Republic of Iran intended to develop nuclear weapons from the very start of its nuclear program, while voicing regret the goal was not kept secret enough.

The former deputy parliament speaker stated in an interview on Iran’s Student Correspondents Association (ISCA) state-run news on Sunday, “When we [Iran] began our nuclear activity, our goal was indeed to build a bomb.” 

“There is no need to beat around the bush,” he added. more

3 Comments on Former Iranian Lawmaker in Stunning Admission: Our Goal Was to ‘Build a Bomb’ from the Start

  1. …why front at this point? Why even BOTHER to lie about it? Not only will the illegitmate Brandon “administration” not DO anything about it, they will probably HELP.

    Maybe even give them some of those Bunker Buster nukes Brandon is retiring in his quest to reduce OUR capablity and make sure our enemies are in no way threatened by us.

    IF he hasn’t ALREADY.


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