Former LA County Sheriff Baca Guilty of Obstructing FBI Investigation – IOTW Report

Former LA County Sheriff Baca Guilty of Obstructing FBI Investigation

Has he tried the Hillary Defense?

Breitbart CA: Former Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca was found guilty on Wednesday of obstructing an investigation into alleged abuses at county jails.

According to the Los Angeles Times, the jury deliberated two days before handing their verdict. Baca, who is 74-years-old and suffering from the onset of Alzheimer’s, sat emotionless as the verdict was read.

During the course of the trial Baca claimed he was “unaware of the malfeasance others in the department were carrying out.” But the jury foreman said his follow jurors did not accept this explanation. The foreman said, “The leader runs the ship. He made the choice to be there. Step up to the plate and be responsible.”

Speaking to reporters afterward, Baca said the verdict would be appealed and predicted a victory. An earlier prosecution had resulted in a mistrial, with 11 jurors prepared to acquit Baca and one holding out for conviction.

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13 Comments on Former LA County Sheriff Baca Guilty of Obstructing FBI Investigation

  1. “…a cowardly chess king who remained safely back while dispatching pawns and other underlings to do his dirty work”???

    Now there’s a frustrated, out-of-work Hollywood script writer if I ever saw one.


  2. “Jury deliberated for two days before handing down the verdict”! Two days? Must have liked the free food and close quarter companionship to take two days!

  3. He’s a mosymp through and through. Baca is the one who did Barky’s bidding and put Nakouka Basseley Nakoula in jail for the “inflammatory video”. I hope he rots in jail.

  4. It seems that every criminal over 65 has Alzheimer’s and just can’t remember anything about all the terrible shit they pulled. Lawyers and liberals, always full of crap.

  5. “With all the inorganic chemicals in the envrionment, Alzheimer’s can onset as soon as 18.”

    Let’s not start throwing accusations willy- nilly. Please be aware that what looks like Alzheimer’s is often just pneumonia.

  6. Inorganic chemicals have nothing whatsoever to do with Alzheimer’s.

    Alzheimer’s is caused by brain cell death. It is a neurodegenerative disease, which means there is progressive brain cell death that happens over a course of time. The total brain size shrinks with Alzheimer’s – the tissue has progressively fewer nerve cells and connections.

    It is a horrible way to go out, as you’ll discover when one of your family members comes down with it.

  7. Trying to get a CCW from Baca was impossible, unless you were famous, rich, or made generous donations to Baca so he could continue with his political aspirations. The price was/is nothing more than a crook with a badge. I hope he spends the rest of his alzheimer plagued days in jail.

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