Former Massachusetts Dem. Senator Awaiting Corruption Trial Found Dead – IOTW Report

Former Massachusetts Dem. Senator Awaiting Corruption Trial Found Dead

Breitbart: The body of former Massachusetts senator Brian A. Joyce was discovered by his wife in their home on Thursday.

According to a statement by the Bristol County District Attorney’s office, the former assistant majority leader was found dead in his Wesport, Massachusetts, home. Joyce did not seek re-election in 2016, after he was charged with corruption which included taking approximately $1 million in bribes, and even leveraging his influence to help a Dunkin’ Donuts store owner in exchange for free coffee.  MORE

12 Comments on Former Massachusetts Dem. Senator Awaiting Corruption Trial Found Dead

  1. Couldn’t have happened to a better guy. I find myself unsympathetic. Is that too cold?

    Is it wrong that I kind of was hoping that he would get his donut dunked in prison first?

  2. If he went room temperature while awaiting trial, he died legally innocent of any charges, so I’m sure the widow has ample funds to bury him with, but may have to pay for the coffee and donuts at the wake.
    If she uses an old refrigerator box found on a curb, she’ll be able to save a few bucks! Just sayin’.


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