Former Minnesota Vikings player Jack Brewer Tells Trump: ‘You the First Black President’ – IOTW Report

Former Minnesota Vikings player Jack Brewer Tells Trump: ‘You the First Black President’

“I said enough was enough, and I really started putting aside what my parents and my grandparents taught me about sticking to the Democratic Party because they were the party for African Americans,” Brewer said. “You know all that rhetoric sounded good back in the ’60s, but the facts are that the policies just don’t help our families.”

Story at Breitbart

9 Comments on Former Minnesota Vikings player Jack Brewer Tells Trump: ‘You the First Black President’

  1. Trump lives the lifestyle 100% of rappers and black athletes aspire to. Gold everywhere. Your name on everything. Flaunting wealth.

    What’s there not to like? Is he supposed to give press conferences by waving a gun at the camera and two bitches twerking in the background?

  2. On a side note, Garth Brooks wore a Barry Sanders ( the former Detroit Lions running back ) #20 jersey during his concert in Detroit and the Bernie fans on Twitter thought it was an endorsement. They really are that stupid.😂

  3. To John, not sure why this memory came to me from your comment, but it did,

    Mother, mother
    There’s too many of you crying
    Brother, brother, brother
    There’s far too many of you dying
    You know we’ve got to find a way
    To bring some lovin’ here today, eheh
    Father, father
    We don’t need to escalate
    You see, war is not the answer
    For only love can conquer hate
    You know we’ve got to find a way
    To bring some lovin’ here today, oh oh oh
    Picket lines and picket signs
    Don’t punish me with brutality
    Talk to me, so you can see
    Oh, what’s going on
    What’s going on
    Yeah, what’s going on
    Ah, what’s going on
    In the mean time
    Right on, baby
    Right on brother
    Right on babe
    Mother, mother, everybody thinks we’re wrong
    Oh, but who are they to judge us
    Simply ’cause our hair is long
    Oh, you…

    No Blushes


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