Former Muslim Porn Star is Threatened With Beheading – IOTW Report

Former Muslim Porn Star is Threatened With Beheading


Social media users associated with the Islamic State threatened to “behead” a former Lebanese-American porn star, and now the 21-year-old is speaking out.

Mia Khalifa, a performer made popular on the “PornHub” website, revealed the details of these online threats during a recent interview with The Sports Junkies, saying the grotesque messages included mocked-up execution photos.

Khalifa, though, says she has no intention of giving her internet attackers what they want.

“[Y]ou can’t show weakness. That’s exactly what they’re looking for,” Khalifa said. “I really try and just make it look like it rolls off, but I’ll admit, it gets to you after a while.”

Khalifa was born in Beirut, Lebanon and eventually moved to the United States where she attended high school in Virginia and then college in Texas. After a brief stint working in the porn industry, Khalifa was heavily criticized by her family and those in the Middle East who labeled her a disgrace to their culture.

One Khalifa scene specifically sparked controversy, when she appeared having sex while wearing a hijab. A hijab is a head covering worn by Muslim women in varying practices of Islam.

Erotic materials are widely banned in the Middle East, and are only permitted in Lebanon and Turkey.


I don’t know the names of the movies she’s been in, but I’m sure you guys have some ideas.

80 Comments on Former Muslim Porn Star is Threatened With Beheading

  1. “Khalifa was heavily criticized by her family and those in the Middle East who labeled her a disgrace to their culture.”
    DISGRACE TO THEIR CULTURE?!?! They brutalize women, rape 9 year olds, throw gays off buildings, behead and burn people alive, and regularly force their penises into farm animals.
    How in God’s name is it possible to disgrace their culture?

  2. FTA, “Few parents are happy to learn their child has elected to pursue a career in pornography. Most come around after a few weeks, Khalifa says.”

    Sure they do. Can just image the reasonable family conversations at our dinner table.

  3. Mohammed all of a sudden stops motionless in the middle of making love.
    The girl looks up and sez: “What are you doing?”
    Mohammed explains: “It’s a new technique I learned on Port Hub”
    “It’s called Buffering!”

  4. @MJA: Truly you have found your calling, as it relates to commenting on Muslim porn stars. I am compelled to nominate your post at 8:21 PM for Cumment – er, I mean, Comment – of the Year. With comment at 8:39 pm as runner-up.

    Allahu ackbar!

    You may now enter Paradise. Your 72 John Olivers await.


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