Former NSC Chief Of Staff: John Brennan Buried Evidence That Putin Actually Favored Hillary In 2016 – IOTW Report

Former NSC Chief Of Staff: John Brennan Buried Evidence That Putin Actually Favored Hillary In 2016

Daily Caller: Former CIA officer and National Security Council Chief of Staff Fred Fleitz said Wednesday that former CIA Director John Brennan ignored intelligence that Russian President Vladimir Putin actually wanted Hillary Clinton to win the the 2016 presidential election.

Fleitz called Brennan “the most politicized intelligence chief in American history” in a Fox News op ed that addressed a report released Tuesday from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. That document supports the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election to promote the victory of then-candidate Donald Trump.

The committee released the document in a highly edited form that does not include any reference to recently declassified files that point to a possible Russian disinformation campaign that attempted to malign Trump. MORE

18 Comments on Former NSC Chief Of Staff: John Brennan Buried Evidence That Putin Actually Favored Hillary In 2016

  1. I’ve been saying that since the whole “Russia collusion” BS started up. Why in the world would the Russian president want to see a candidate elected whose slogan was “Make America Great Again”? It seems painfully obvious he would prefer the weaker candidate to win, especially one willing to sell them our uranium reserves.

  2. That’s what is so exasperating about the RussiaRussiaRussia thing. It is illogical that Putin would prefer a strong American President. It only makes sense that he would prefer the weak candidate, a candidate that is ideologically similar to Hillary.

    The whole leftist argument never made sense.

  3. Lots of commenters scream about GWB’s acolyte keeping Bush’s man onboard.PLEASE TAKE OUT YOUR WALLETS AND PAY ATTENTION!
    The degenerate liberal who made Brennan 1st head of NCC (8/04) was George 2!
    brennan was a Bush man years before hw was GWB’s disciple’s man!

    Brennan was a bad man 16 years ago, still is! The leftist making him NCC head was worse! And still is.

    If you know not who is the enemy you can not win the war!

  4. I know no one wants to hear this but PATIENCE PEOPLE!

    From the comments that I read when this thread subject shows up occasionally, “oh never gonna happen” or ” won’t hold my breath”, I don’t blame you!

    BUT. I think you are still underestimating the evil and cunning that this POTUS is going up against, just look at what these scumbags did to Flynn ALONE, we should be able to judge ones actions. For the POTUS and team, to maneuver through the mire is unimaginable to me. Remember DJT is the outsider, the outlyer to these career politicians and lifelong bureaucrats. He had a HUGE learning curve coming into office final learning of the deceit in DC.

    And yes, I know the whole Jeff Sessions thing. I was a defender, but I WAS WRONG. And Barr, seems to me a far superior AG.

    It will either happen right before the election or after that, in 2021, like on January 16th…and I am thinking the latter. It would probably be to ‘disruptive’ to pull off before the election and there not be CHAOS.

  5. Gohst @

    You are correct. Considering how many things the Trump admin is dealing with, he is doing amazingly well.

    He is dealing with the Swamp, Euro sabotage, UN, WHO, Iran, CYNA, Russia, Enviro Nazis, Economy, Mexico, Drug war, etc.

    I was just thinking last night that this guy has more energy tham me and i’m only 50!


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