Former Obama DHS Official On ISIS Slaughtering Egyptian Christians: ‘What Goes Around, Comes Around – IOTW Report

Former Obama DHS Official On ISIS Slaughtering Egyptian Christians: ‘What Goes Around, Comes Around


Daily Caller: A former Obama administration official at the Department of Homeland Security said Sunday that when it comes to the Islamic State slaughtering Egyptian Christians, “what goes around, comes around.”

In a tweet posted Sunday, Mohamed Elibiary, who formerly served as senior member of the DHS’ Homeland Security Advisory Council, stated, “Reading ISIS’s latest mag ‘otherizing’ Egypt’s Copts. Subhanallah how what goes around comes around. Coptic ldrs did same to MB Egyptians.”

“Subhanallah” is Arabic for “Glory to Allah,” and so in this tweet, Elibiary is expressing praise to Allah for the fact that ISIS is killing Egyptian Christians as apparent retribution for Coptic leaders doing the same to members of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

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21 Comments on Former Obama DHS Official On ISIS Slaughtering Egyptian Christians: ‘What Goes Around, Comes Around

  1. Needs to be shot, preferably by a female, wrapped in bacon, and buried in an unmarked Israeli graveyard blessed by Jews.

    Fuck Islam.

    Note: My opinion is protected by the 1st Amendment. And fuck Shariah Law too.

  2. These are the types of assholes that Trump needs to bring up when the press questions him about any of his appointees. Hammer, Hammer, Hammer and don’t let up. The media will have to report while the net will flesh out the details on these procks.

  3. Democrats love that Muslims slaughter Christians. That’s why they are flooding our country with them. They’ll find out, too late, that Muslims will also slaughter Democrats.

  4. You fukkin ragheads are in for a rude awakening once you try your hand against some armed men.
    Killing unarmed men, women, and children ain’t no big deal. Nauseating, but pretty easy to do – ask the Germans.
    Killing those who kill back is of a completely different order – again, ask the Germans.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. How many others like Moe were hired by Obama’s admin that are still at their desks? How can the center hold with people like Mohamid Dingleberry “holding down the fort”?

  6. Yes, what goes around, comes around.

    Get the message Obama???

    All that needs to be happening is to find the right aid in your administration to squeal like a stuck pig. PUN intended. It may not be Susan Rice, but she’ll get hers too.

  7. What is it that’s coming around? The Fourth Crusade, back in 1204? Is that what he’s using to justify killing Christians in 2017. I’ll bet it is.

    Because that’s the last time any Christian was aggressive to any Muslim in Egypt

  8. Obama said as much in a different way, sneakier way. Ditto CIA Chief John Brennan. President Trump had a very deep swamp to dredge. And he’s up to his ass in crocodiles.

  9. Even if you buy the claptrap about “the Crusaders started it!” you got no case against the Coptic Church. It was founded by that Ethiopian eunuch baptized in Acts.

  10. You’re right, camefucking inbred swine. It will keep coming around again, as it has been to your kind for the last 16 years.

    How about a JDAM up your ass.

  11. Yo Pelopidas. He’s no Moe. Maybe a Moh.FFS. You use my name in vain one more time and I’ll sic Bad Brad on you, or Joe6pac, or Vietvet, or a horde of others.

  12. Callmelenne* hit my point, this idiot is still furious about something that happened in the Stone ages – Literally !
    How can you expect inbred , 55 IQ sub-humans (in some cases) to coexist in any Society other than their own. This is why they can’t assimilate !

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