Former Obama Intern and Democrat Campaign Worker Speaks Out After Attending the DNC as Volunteer – IOTW Report

Former Obama Intern and Democrat Campaign Worker Speaks Out After Attending the DNC as Volunteer

Gateway Pundit

A former Obama intern and lifelong Democrat who voted for Joe Biden in 2020 has taken to social media to blast the Democrat Party in a scathing video that exposes what conservatives have long suspected: the party is out of touch, elitist, and disconnected from the real struggles of everyday Americans.

The woman, who identifies herself as Evan, posted the video on X, where she shared her disillusionment with the Democrat Party after attending the Democratic National Convention (DNC) as a volunteer.

According to her, she left the convention early because “it sickened me.”

Evan, who has dedicated much of her career to working in ‘progressive politics,’ signed up to volunteer at this year’s DNC, expecting to find renewed faith in the Democrat Party. Instead, she found herself more disillusioned than ever before.

“Okay, I’m going to get real in this, and it’s probably going to piss some people off,” Evan begins, setting the tone for her no-holds-barred exposé. more here

9 Comments on Former Obama Intern and Democrat Campaign Worker Speaks Out After Attending the DNC as Volunteer

  1. @Anonymous — Not so. Dang near every Democrat voter is asking themselves the same questions this year. And in this case Evan is quite a bit more involved than the average Democrat voter. It takes guts to go public with the disillusionment.

  2. I’ve got hip to Jimmy Dore this year which initially surprised me because he’s very liberal. But man, this guy is honest and the more I listened to him, the more I saw we had many areas of policy that we agreed on. In fact actually many MORE agreements than not.

    Anyway, he had a press pass for the DNC and was followed around by his producer(?) filming his take. To say he was depressed is a huge understatement. All he could muster was ‘fucking brain dead zombies” or “it’s all abortion abortion abortion”

    He interviewed a few people and asked what Kamala policy did they like best. Or how did they feel about Kamala as the nominee that no one had the chance to vote for. Not one answer was more than racking it up to a vibe.

    Finally he just had to leave the United Center he was so disgusted. He’s a pretty good comedian as well so his take was a lighter touch.

  3. Outside of abortion and Trump hatred the democrats will have to lean heavily on millions of illegal mail in ballots. Even the most committed democrats will have to admit the country is fukd as it is now. Only the very rich and those who live off taxpayer handouts would survive.


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