Former PA congressman pleads guilty to ballot-stuffing for Democrats in federal elections – IOTW Report

Former PA congressman pleads guilty to ballot-stuffing for Democrats in federal elections

FOX: A former Pennsylvania congressman has pleaded guilty to extensive voter fraud, including stuffing ballot boxes for Democratic candidates, spanning multiple elections in the state.

Former U.S. Rep. Michael “Ozzie” Myers, 79, of Philadelphia, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to deprive voters of civil rights, bribery, obstruction of justice, falsification of voting records, and conspiring to illegally vote in a federal election, the Justice Department announced Monday.

Federal prosecutors said Myers orchestrated schemes to fraudulently stuff ballot boxes for Democratic candidates in the 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 Pennsylvania elections. more

6 Comments on Former PA congressman pleads guilty to ballot-stuffing for Democrats in federal elections

  1. A story like this makes the alarm bells in my head go off.

    Federal prosecutors
    Voter fraud/ballot stuffing
    Guilty plea

    In 2022, all this just doesn’t add up. Psyop?

  2. Ozzie Myers, famous for saying “Money talks, bullsh*t walks” when taking bribes from fake Arabs in the federal sting operation Abscam. Can’t believe he is still around. I left Philly in 89…I bet I’m still voting there, if you catch my drift.

  3. Election fraud is a clear method of undermining and subverting the will of the electorate and (as pointed out by BillyTwoKnives) must be punishable by death.

    That is the only way to stop this plague of treason.

    Excise the cancer.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Nothing to see here,
    absolutely no evidence of widespread voter fraud will ever be brought to light, no matter how many incidences you expose.

    BTW, are you planning to watch night after night of primetime tv coverage of the Jan6 smear campaign shitshow??
    Because trashing American Presidents, but only if they aren’t democrats is who we are in our “american democracy”!

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