Former President Obama Appeals to California Voters: “Things Can Get Worse” – IOTW Report

Former President Obama Appeals to California Voters: “Things Can Get Worse”


Breaking with all presidential traditions of respectfully staying out of politics while your successor delivers on the policies of his election, former President Barack Obama spoke again today at an invitation only campaign rally in Anaheim, California.

Many media outlets are now carrying the former Presidents’ daily speeches live during their broadcasts. There is a visible sense of panic amid the far-left apparatchik.

One thing stands as abundantly clear, the former president is afraid – very afraid.

Former President Obama is acting like a man who knows there is a strong likelihood a win for President Trump in the mid-terms means all of the corruption discovered during Obama’s administration will surface.   When campaigning today Obama says: “things can get worse“, he’s right.  Things likely will get much, much worse…. FOR HIM.  more

12 Comments on Former President Obama Appeals to California Voters: “Things Can Get Worse”

  1. He’s doing a lot of preaching to the choir. It may get some money for the Dems to blow, but it isn’t persuading the people he needs to persuade. Hillary spent most of her limited campaign time at fundraisers in San Francisco and the Hamptons. But you do what you think is best, Barky. I’m sure you think your’e a better campaign strategist than your own campaign strategist.

  2. When will Nike sign him up for some commercials?….

    I was talking to a friend this morning and I have a couple of goals that I’d like to see in my lifetime…..The death of both of the Clinton’s and Barry’s utter bullshit of a life story come crashing down on him and those that enabled him to be elected POTUS…

  3. Only 750 people showed up. Must have been one of those intimate setting, deep pocket donor events. Because it sure wasn’t a Trump rally. Obama’s just plain lost in Trump world.

  4. Haven’t seen it reported. But was the “I”, & “my” count as high as usual for a BHO speech?

    I’m sure it was mostly about him as always, and a mixture of a few truths intermixed with a high percentage of lies as a cya vehicle. But can’t stomach listening myself to find out.


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