Former Public Park is Now Tent City For People Who Want To Do Nothing All Day – IOTW Report

Former Public Park is Now Tent City For People Who Want To Do Nothing All Day


My Northwest –

I spoke with a woman named Autumn. She told me that she and her husband moved here from New Mexico for health reasons, and that they couldn’t find comparable housing.

“Our apartment that was $560 in Albuquerque is like $1,500 here,” Autumn said. “Back in New Mexico, they have rent control.”

Autumn told me she loves it here and that this location (Seattle) made her feel “like I’m in heaven. Who wouldn’t want nature like this for their backyard? I’ve already explored all the trails back there.”

Dumpsters and portable toilets have been supplied, and the campers have taken over the covered community area to house their offices, a makeshift kitchen, and “the heat up room.” Which consisted of some plastic lawn chairs surrounding a propane tank with a heating element on top.

I was informed that churches bring hot meals each day, and that I was welcome to join them for dinner. I spotted half a dozen tin foil catering-style pans filled with everything from chicken to potato salad on a picnic table.

Camp Unity has a fully-stocked pantry with basics like bread and spaghetti sauce. There is also an area for donated clothing and other supplies.

I was told that Camp Unity is being sponsored by Blessed Teresa Of Calcutta Catholic Church and that they are fully permitted for the next 90 days. I then drove the quarter of a mile across the street to that church’s grounds.

One question: Why aren’t the campers using part of the expansive lot owned by the church? In fact, the church property seems to be bigger than the public park.


I have a question.

What health crisis do you have that allows you to live outdoors in a tent?

I think maybe Autumn and her husband are into smoking pot for “health reasons.”

ht/ illustr8r

24 Comments on Former Public Park is Now Tent City For People Who Want To Do Nothing All Day

  1. Man I see homeless like nobodies ever seen them before up and down the little towns in Northern California. It breaks my heart when I see an older couple trying to survive homeless. You’re not going to make me believe that was by choice. I’m not discounting this post. I’m just saying our economy has turned a lot of good people out onto the street. Fuck that. Go Trump.

  2. These tent cities are popping up everywhere. The Seattle City Council keeps providing more and more benefits. There are RVs parked along major roads in Seattle that don’t run and are dens for thieves and druggies. Crime is WAY up in Seattle because of this influx and acceptance by those in charge. Fancy neighborhoods in the city limits are hiring private security because the Seattle Police are so hog tied to do anything by the Feds and city council. Meanwhile, as crime ticks up and people demand more police the city plans on spending 5 million dollars on Pronto-a bike share program. It’s effin’ ridiculous. I had to go downtown Friday. Traffic is a nightmare. People are arrogant and rude. The city is trashy. There are homeless and scary people wandering the streets. I no longer feel safe going there by myself. I wouldn’t have worried at all just a few years ago but not now. Seattle won’t be Detroit-at least for awhile because of the 1% (ha!) that live here- but until the electorate stops voting for the most radical lefties they can find-it’s just going to keep deteriorating. Someday, I’ll move.

  3. It is something I have been saying for four decades re: Seattle. They are atheistic humanists and aggressively hostile to the average civilized person.

    They, in the aggregate, are not worthy of respect on any level. They are backwards thinking, less than fully human in my estimation and I have lived close enough to them, long enough, to have formed an opinion on Seattleites four decades ago and each day since that opinion has been validated and has only moved more towards them living in a parallel universe to civilized humanity. They are sub-human beasts, at best and base living trash is much closer to how I regard them.

  4. This camp is located in a King County park about 15 to 20 miles NE of Seattle outside of Woodinville. I listened to a county rep on the radio where she said that no one in the area was told anything about the church setting up this camp, she also stated that the county parks dept. was not informed at all. The locals can not use the park because the type of crowd living there drug use, trash, tents, parking ect. Seattle now has other cities buying one way bus tickets to send their homeless to us.
    Our commie mayor wants 50 million in new taxes to help with the homeless problem that they created that is on top of a 49 million levy that was just passed to fight the growing homeless crowd that we already had. Seattle is having to hire outside contractors to clean up the huge amounts of trash that these free loaders leave where ever they camp which now is just about every place in the city. The crews that go into some areas have to wear haz-mat suits and steel toed boots because of the large amounts of human waste and discarded needles.
    The worst area is called the jungle a camp of 400 that is totally law less the fire dept. gets called into several times a week to put out out of control campfires, they won’t go in without a police unit with them. 2 weeks ago 4 teens aged 13 to 17 murdered a man over a 100 dollar drug deal that their mother sent them to do for her.Seattle is fast on it way to becoming like any town run by democrats. AA and I will be moving out in 2 years or less.
    Its a real shame Seattle 20 years ago was a great city to live in, now its a real pit.

  5. “Its a real shame Seattle 20 years ago was a great city to live in, now its a real pit.”

    Twenty years ago it was really easy to project the trajectory and GTFO before it was too late. Forty years ago I was seven and would not have wanted to try to raise a family in Seattle. But then again I was always forward thinking and my horizon has always taken into account the zeitgeist.

  6. I have always had contempt for Seattle and what it has always stood for in the five decades I have known Seattle. Of course Seattle is a pot-head city. Seattle is a hell hole and has always aspired to be what it is today. A big fat Utopian fuckup among fuckups.

    A Mecca for every self disenfranchised piece of shit that has ever been spawned. A fucking cesspool of loosers who by their very population ruin a beautiful place to live.

    And I am all for legalized pot, I would go for legalized heroin if it kept them fornicating all weekend and then dying instead of having the ambition to range beyond Seattle sully my enjoyment of my surroundings.

  7. Why can’t Autumn walk the quarter mile to the church and who is supporting her lazy ass with gas money.As an aside can anyone tell me why my wordpress login won’t work for this site.I’m told i have an invalid user name.

  8. Honolulu, run by democrats, made the same mistake. Those foolish libs also discovered cities around the nation were giving one-way airline tickets to bums, druggies, nut jobs, homeless criminals, and other democrats of distinction. Now they don’t know what to do and the low lifes are affecting the tourist trade. Seems the tourists aren’t into stepping over feces, urine, vomit, and needles. Dodging pan handlers, drunks, the insane and unwashed is over rated. I am grateful for the bum magnets of Seattle and Honolulu. They’re doing a great job of cleaning up my city.

  9. “Autumn told me she loves it here and that this location (Seattle) made her feel “like I’m in heaven.”

    I wonder if Bill Gates will take her and her husband in? She’d really be in heaven then!

  10. That type used to hang out here in the Bay Area, but when being a bum became fashionable among blacks and latinos rather than just spoiled lazy white trash, the racist kids headed up north to get away from them.

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