Former Radical Describes Leftist Activism as ‘Cult,’ Saw ‘Murderous Rage’ – IOTW Report

Former Radical Describes Leftist Activism as ‘Cult,’ Saw ‘Murderous Rage’


For many of us on the outside, it’s easy to make sweeping generalizations about social justice warriors and their world of radical Leftist activism. But when someone becomes disillusioned and leaves, their words can be especially valuable knowledge about this problem America is facing.

Here’s what one ex-radical has to say:

I see increasing numbers of so-called liberals cheering censorship and defending violence as a response to speech. I see seemingly reasonable people wishing death on others and laughing at escalating suicide and addiction rates of the white working class. I see liberal think pieces written in opposition to expressing empathy or civility in interactions with those with whom we disagree. I see 63 million Trump voters written off as “nazis” who are okay to target with physical violence. I see concepts like equality and justice being used as a mask for resentful, murderous rage.

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18 Comments on Former Radical Describes Leftist Activism as ‘Cult,’ Saw ‘Murderous Rage’

  1. It will come to a head soon, I’m thinking. And I don’t believe the DoJ will wait until there is a rash of serious violence against people. I’m sure that the recent threats and strange occurrences against elected GOP officials is on the DoJ’s radar.

  2. Fighting against my countrymen is not what I had planned for this part of my life but I will be damned if I will stand by while a bunch of commie snowflakes wage a coup against my government. Time to check the supplies of beans, bullet and bandaids.

  3. Liberal cult: toe the PC line or you too will lose friendships, your job, stunt your career, lose your reputation and – for politicians – your election.

    This is why dimocrites rally around to defend even the most degraded, guilty fellow dim. It’s not about morality or loyalty. It’s self preservation.

  4. A buddy of mine is a Firearms Rep. one of his job duties is hanging out at Gun Stores for “Dealer Days” and “Customer Appreciation Days” and answering question from customers. He’s done two such events down in the Bay Area this month and at both events he tells me Libtard Subversives are definitely showing up and handling weapons.

  5. I thought I was ok on my own out there but they have me running for cover. I can’t take it and longer. Thank God you fine folks are still here. I fault BFH for saying we should get on Facebook 2 years ago. Those freaking people are insane. How can I be on the same planet?

  6. Plantsman,
    I think eventually they will snipe a few Deplorables. Not that tough to do. And that should be enough for us deplorables to start shooting them on sight. But that won’t happen.

  7. I know I talk about my Lefties on Facebook sometimes too much but I can’t get over the bat sh*t crazy hateful stuff they post daily since DJT won the election. Terrible things from educated professionals who think it’s a perfectly OK to tout violence, death threats and aggression to those who voted for Trump and the man himself.

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