Former Rep. Madison Cawthorn: “I Told You” – IOTW Report

Former Rep. Madison Cawthorn: “I Told You”

Former Representative Madison Cawthorn has made headlines again, this time in reaction to a scandal involving a Capitol staffer.

A young male staffer for Maryland Democrat Senator Ben Cardin was terminated following allegations of engaging in graphic sexual acts within the Hart Senate Office Building. The staffer, Aidan Maese-Czeropski, a recent college graduate, denied the allegations, claiming they are politically motivated and fabricated.

Former congressman Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) has weighed in, providing his take on the unraveling events.

Cawthorn wrote on X, “I told you.”

Cawthorn has been no stranger to controversy himself, having previously made waves with claims of invitations to drug-fueled orgies by Washington elites.

In 2022, Cawthorn exposed the scandalous activities in D.C., revealing invitations to orgies and drug parties he received, as stated during an interview. more

12 Comments on Former Rep. Madison Cawthorn: “I Told You”

  1. Sodomites sticking their assholes in the face of America in the chambers of the Senate.

    BIll Clinton-serial rapist
    Barrack Obama-serial sodomite
    Joe Biden- serial pedophile

    Tell me Satan is not just rubbing our face in it at this point…

  2. Despite his huge ego telling him otherwise, Aidan Maese-Czeropski is not important enough for anyone to “fabricate” politically motivated evidence to get him fired. Also, he RECORDED the entire encounter and released it publicly. These nobody anonymous “staffers” have fatal cases of main character syndrome.

  3. Dude made a claim that surprised no one really, and when he was given the opportunity to name names, give times and places, he folded like a cheap lawn chair. We already know that DC is full of sick twisted perverts — if he’s looking for kudos, he had a chance to do the right thing and blew it.

  4. I don’t know what the appropriate punishment for this kind of degradation of the Senate should be. Maybe the muzzies have it right in this regard and we should toss him off a high building. This is sick and disgusting and should not be allowed or condoned and this jerk needs to be dealt with severely lest he starts a bunch of copycat queer acts by other fags. Where’s the brimstone and ashes when we need them the most.

  5. Names, dates, and places or it didn’t happen.

    I’ve heard tales of all political authorities throughout history having a strong salacious streak. Is it because they are bored? “Above” social constraints? Other.

  6. Cisco Kid Sunday, 17 December 2023, 10:31 at 10:31 am

    Sodomites sticking their assholes in the face of America in the chambers of the Senate.

    BIll Clinton-serial rapist
    Barrack Obama-serial sodomite
    Joe Biden- serial pedophile

    Tell me Satan is not just rubbing our face in it at this point…

    You left Trump’s name off your list above. Trump did one better than the three you mentioned, he held a party for them. Told them he was working hard for them.

    “We are fighting for the gay community, and we are fighting and fighting hard,” Donald Trump told a Log Cabin Republicans gala.

    “Sodomites sticking their assholes in the face of America in the chambers of the Senate…..

    and other places like Mar-a-Lago.

  7. I’m sure there are many reasons they never leave once they get there and I’m also sure why all of them leave their state with morals and high goals soon turn to scumbags is they give into temptation and now they have something hanging over their head.

    Those that don’t get destroyed like he did by telling the truth.


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