Former Senator Gary Hart: We are So Corrupt Now We are in Danger of Losing the Republic – IOTW Report

Former Senator Gary Hart: We are So Corrupt Now We are in Danger of Losing the Republic


gary hart donna rice


Gary Hart is a good big government liberal, with solid big government liberal credentials. And he is as fearful of the raging corrupt beast in Washington DC as any TEA Partier. Perhaps not quite.

Outrageous corruption in Washington is now legal. What once put elected officials in prison now is business as usual. DC is a hive of legal villainy. And if we don’t do something about it soon we are going to lose this precious thing. This unique flash of enlightenment. This anomaly in the experience of humankind. Our United States. Are we the generation which lets the American miracle descend into the mire?

This musn’t be. Not just for us, but also for millions and millions, billions, of people who look and have looked to the USA for leadership. The “shining light on the hill” is flickering.

Though we disagree with some (important) points here and there in this piece, generally it is good, especially considering Hart’s overall disposition toward large government.

He focuses only on corporate America however and as such he’s missing at least half the picture.

Hart’s broadly right though. Things are bad. We are flirting with real disaster. And sadly many of Hart’s buddies are the ones who put us on this path.  MORE

13 Comments on Former Senator Gary Hart: We are So Corrupt Now We are in Danger of Losing the Republic

  1. The Founders knew:
    “Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?”- Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia
    “A Republic, madam, if you can keep it.”- Benjamin Franklin, 1787

    The conversation I dread having the most is with my grandchild some day and saying, “let me tell you a story about a long time ago when we were free in this land…”

  2. Amen, Txn4Evr. I hope they stay in their seats too when it comes because it’ll be like Ward Bond said in, “The Searchers,” “…at the first sign of an alarm, we’re comin’ in, and we ain’t gonna have no time to pick and choose our targets when we do.”

  3. That photo will follow Hart to Hell. Too funny. That was back when screwing somebody who’s not your mrs. still had the ability to kneecap a democrat’s career.

    Seems quant now. Cute, almost.

    But on a serious note, you know shit is f-ed up when Gary Hart starts making sense.

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