Former UAW Boss Indicted For Embezzling $1 Million – IOTW Report

Former UAW Boss Indicted For Embezzling $1 Million

Conservative Tree House

In August of last year federal authorities raided the homes of United Auto Workers (UAW) President Gary Jones who was under investigation in a nationwide corruption sweep. Today an indictment was unsealed charging Jones with embezzling more than $1 million in union funds. His former deputy was arrested in September. More

12 Comments on Former UAW Boss Indicted For Embezzling $1 Million

  1. Anyone investigating the Teamsters these days?
    Oh, yeah, indictments there, too.
    If collective bargaining representatives in the private sector are this corrupt, what the hell is going on in the public sector, given that it’s government employees who don’t seem to answer to anyone?
    Anyone know?

  2. $1M sounds like hush money this dummy took from accidentally knowing about the real crook
    I see an accident/suicide in his future, dude’s a dead man walking

  3. We’s da’ UNION – we makes da’ OXYGEN run on time!!!

    Youse prints a retraction, or we’re sending Frankie, Tic-Tac, & Three-fingers Vinnie over, to’s teach youse some RESPECT!!! 😳


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