Former VA Secretary David Shulkin Wanted To Use Camp David As a Vacation Spot – IOTW Report

Former VA Secretary David Shulkin Wanted To Use Camp David As a Vacation Spot

Daily Caller:  Former Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin’s troubles with the White House began over what was perceived as a pattern of wanting special treatment and luxuries, including an insistence by Shulkin he be able to use Camp David, the president’s compound in Maryland, as a vacation spot, a senior official told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

A senior official with knowledge of Shulkin’s activities detailed a litany of examples of efforts to use his job to “live the high life,” including how he “wanted to bring his wife on a trip with Melania [Trump] but couldn’t do that and had a temper tantrum.”

At a Hannukah party where officials got a plus-one, Shulkin insisted on being able to bring his son in addition to his wife. “He asked so many times that the White House was on the lookout where if his son showed up, security knew not to let him in,” the official said.

“He wanted to be the exception. He would harass people in the White House and say ‘I want to do this,’ and he’d keep asking different people until he found someone who would say yes,’” he continued.  more here

11 Comments on Former VA Secretary David Shulkin Wanted To Use Camp David As a Vacation Spot

  1. Moe Tom — Mostly because people don’t know what is really going on. If the press/media were to report the dispassionate truth….things would be a lot different.

    This is a war against Leftism we are now engaged. As Prager frequently says, “There is no middle ground. You cannot have a middle ground (compromise) with those whose aim is not compromise, but your total destruction.”

    Shulkin was another Class A Grifter.

  2. Texan – I don’t think this putz was a true Trump hire put is a carry-over from the Obama regime.
    At the time Obama selected Shulkin, who had a private sector background, it seemed to be a good pick. Maybe Obama’s only decent pick in his eight too long years. Time has proven that to be mistaken.
    If there was anything Obama was good at, it was selecting incompetent people for governmental positions.


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