Formerly known as ‘The Crap and Strap’ – IOTW Report

Formerly known as ‘The Crap and Strap’

The Loop N’ Poop™ (formerly the Strap and Crap) is a patent-pending device that helps lessen the chance of messin’ your pants when participating in outdoor activities.

loop n poop

Snip: I’m guessing it’s satire.
I hope.

Watch the video HERE

21 Comments on Formerly known as ‘The Crap and Strap’

  1. Waaaaaay over-engineered and probably pricey. All you need is a length of 1″ nylon tubular webbing and the ability to tie a knot. I know this from personal experience. And anyone traipsing around outdoors with a backpack who isn’t carrying a length of webbing is under-equipped for lots of other reasons.

  2. Kick out a cat hole between some tree roots, turn away from the tree, drop your pants, lean back and slide down, do your business, sheesh. Works with big rocks as well.
    Don’t forget to kick the dirt back, please.

  3. Not comedy, they’ll actually take your money here.

    While snowmobiling, the combination of high speed movement, 5-6 bars/restaurants, pickled eggs, beer, etc. throughout the day and things could get explosive. My experiences were close calls, so close it was all I could do to shed my bibs in time. Goofing with some sling would have spelled certain disaster, especially how she is using the sling. She is putting it above her ass, around her waist and leaning back, that’s pointing the cannon right into your drawers, unless you lean way back and climb your legs and gear up the tree. But then you have the problem of getting down. Comfort should be the last thing on the agenda in that situation, just make sure everything is clear then fire away. Much easier if it’s solid, a little more difficult when it looks like you blew up a squirrel with an M80 on the snow.

  4. True and funny story. I was elk hunting alone in a very secluded area at 11,500 feet in Colorado. I made a trip to the nearest town one day to treat myself to a burger at a local café. That night, as I slept in my A-Liner alone in the wilderness, I awoke to a terrible feeling and knew I was in deep doo-doo. Well, I would be if I didn’t act very quickly. It was 18 degrees outside and 4 inches of snow on the ground and the moon was full and the sky was clear. I feverishly got undressed but knew I didn’t have time to set up my portable toilet so I managed to slip on my Redwings, put on a wool cap, grabbed a roll of TP and burst out the door running toward the open field to put as much distance between me and my camp as possible. Suddenly, I knew it was GO TIME and there in the middle of Mother Nature’s glory, I did what bears do in the woods. The moon was shining so brightly on the snow, it looked like daylight. I didn’t care. I was freezing. I didn’t care. I must have looked ridiculous. I didn’t care. I only knew my mission to not defile my living quarters had been accomplished. All things considered, it was a good night.

  5. I didn’t get one of those, I bought the container type – in case we were on the interstates going 70 miles per hour. LOL

    Will have to get one of the she wees for use at least in creepy public jons. But then, feet facing pot and the sound of tinkle, tinkle, some woman in the same jon might think a short old tranny is using the closet jon. Don’t know if I’m up for that.

  6. I just have one of the SS guys carry a porcelain convenience on his back. And try to have John Beohner or Paul Ryan or Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi there to clean up my backside.

    Toilet paper’s rough on a candy-ass.

  7. Geoff C., my son actually bought me a copy of that book How to shit in the woods and gave it to me for Christmas as a joke a few years ago. I think I lost or threw that book away shortly afterwards. My son thought he was being funny, NOT! Now if it had been a copy of Everyone Poops which I read to my kids when they were little that would’ve been better, I would’ve kept it and read it to my grandkids as revenge.

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